Happy Birthday Aunt McMolly!
March 28, 2009
Aunt McMolly
My sister-in-law is the farmer woman that I want to be. Aunt McMolly's farm has horses, chickens, rabbits, ducks and sheep, not to mention dogs and cats and a trio of kids thrown in for fun. Uncle Bill lives there too but we all know the farm is truly Aunt McMolly's. 

Yesterday we got to celebrate Aunt McMolly's birthday. Caleb and Owen love any birthday and they have been known to invent birthdays just so they can sing the song. Owen finger-painted the wrapping paper and Caleb helped me wrap the present.
No one would hold still for me so most of my pictures were blurry. My little Kodak Easy Share doesn't handle movement very well.
I love birthdays too but the best part was to come after the cake and ice cream. Aunt McMolly had brought one of her bunnies to see Dad. Dad is a retired vet (think animal not war) and he is our animal doctor hero. We all bring our animals to Dad. This bunny is Belle and without her fur she is actually really tiny and light (and very sweet - the kids all pet her and love on her).
Belle had an owie on her tummy. We all watched in awe as Dad got ready to take care of it. It was like being in ER - the excitement and anticipation was high. We all held our breath as Dad shaved the area.
Here is Belle's owie. A fluid filled sack or cyst of stuff.
Dad got to work.

I wanted to keep taking pictures of the whole process but Aunt McMolly started feeling Belle's pain and had to go put her head between her legs. I took over holding Belle and then when it was all over Aunt McMolly came back for her baby. Belle promptly peed all over her - I think it was payback for deserting her in her hour of need! All in all, a very unique birthday party!
March 25, 2009
Cookies for those that can't cook!
I love to cook. Even more specifically, I love to bake. This being said, I have not always been a very successful baker. In fact, Mark has made it quite clear that if he had known what a horrendous cook I was in our first year of marriage, he might have looked elsewhere for a wife. Ha! Like he could have resisted me if he tried!
Anyway, back to baking. I have in my possession The Holy Grail of Cookbooks for those of us that are too busy to cook or shop for ingredients or who just like to keep things simple. That would be me. It is called the 5-ingredient cookbook and several of my friends (you know who you are!) have tried to steal it. I am a kind and generous person so I want to share one of my faithful, "last-minute pot luck", "someone is sick", "Mark needs dessert" cookie recipes.
Here is what you need:
1 box of Devil's Food Cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup of veg. oil
1/2 package of peanut butter chips
Mix cake mix, eggs and oil together. Add chips. Spoon batter into small cookie-size amounts onto cookie sheet and then bake for 9 - 10 minutes. (I like gooey, soft cookies so I bake closer to 9 minutes than 10).
Eat and enjoy!
March 24, 2009
Spring (break) is in the air!
Aaahhh.... I LOVE Spring Break! It's right up there with Summer Break and Christmas Break. Even if the weather is terrible (like now) and I'm not going anywhere (like this year) I still love it! My mom and brother Zachary (he's 7) came to stay with us for a few days. Yesterday my mom bravely took all three boys for a day of fun. They ate lunch at McDonalds, rented a movie and watched it, went to the park and played and then went bowling that night. I was tired after merely hearing about it.
While the boys were out wearing my mom down to a frazzle, Mark and I went on a date! Yippee! We didn't even know what to do with ourselves. We ended up tootling over to Hermiston and going to the movies. Here I earned the honor of choosing The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen.
Normally Mark holds this honor in our house but no longer. Mark graciously told me to choose and so trying to please him, I chose one I thought he would like and I could stomach. I thought Taken would be too violent and The House On The Left also too violent, so I naively thought I'd choose The Watchmen because I thought it was about comic book hereos so it can't be that bad right? Oh how wrong I was. Not only was it disgusting and pointless, but I just didn't get it. I thought about asking the two 8 year olds in front of me to explain to me what was going on, but they seemed pretty into it. Could it have been the blatant sex scenes? the grisly murders? the f-bomb dropped every five minutes? Mark wouldn't allow me to talk (yell) at their father for his lack of parenting skills. He also said shooting someone on our date to defend my honor wouldn't be romantic. I begged to disagree but then we got shoosed by the 8-year olds for talking. Yeesh!
While the boys were out wearing my mom down to a frazzle, Mark and I went on a date! Yippee! We didn't even know what to do with ourselves. We ended up tootling over to Hermiston and going to the movies. Here I earned the honor of choosing The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen.
Normally Mark holds this honor in our house but no longer. Mark graciously told me to choose and so trying to please him, I chose one I thought he would like and I could stomach. I thought Taken would be too violent and The House On The Left also too violent, so I naively thought I'd choose The Watchmen because I thought it was about comic book hereos so it can't be that bad right? Oh how wrong I was. Not only was it disgusting and pointless, but I just didn't get it. I thought about asking the two 8 year olds in front of me to explain to me what was going on, but they seemed pretty into it. Could it have been the blatant sex scenes? the grisly murders? the f-bomb dropped every five minutes? Mark wouldn't allow me to talk (yell) at their father for his lack of parenting skills. He also said shooting someone on our date to defend my honor wouldn't be romantic. I begged to disagree but then we got shoosed by the 8-year olds for talking. Yeesh!
March 17, 2009
Scale Scars
During my back-to-back pregnancies with the boys I pushed the scales to the limits with my "magical" increase of pounds each week. I remember very clearly one doctor's appt. where the perky and thin nurse gleefully told me that I had gained 6 pounds.
Me: "So, that's good right? It means the baby is healthy and growing?"
Perky and Pathetically Skinny Nurse: "Umm... yeah, but you gained 4 pounds on your last appt. also."
Me: "So..."
Perky and Anorexic Nurse: "So that means that since we saw you five days ago, you have gained 6 pounds which is 10 pounds in one week."
Me: ...
I have never looked at a scale again. I was scarred. No literally - I was scarred, or at least blemished for life. You see, while I was happily shoveling food into my face my stomach stretched and stretched to make room for my growing baby as well as my growing stomach. I stretched my stomach so far it had to kick out my belly button because there was no more room at the inn. If you're grossed out now because you are picturing my ginourmous belly, don't read any further. It gets worse.
So once I became scale scarred I had to find a new way to gage my weight. It turned out I had a built in scale. It's name is my belly button. Even though my belly button has gone back in just like it's supposed to, the skin around it has never quite looked the same. I have the belly button of a 83 year old woman who was obese for most of her life and then drastically lost the weight due to the flu. And that's on a good day. Here's how my built in scale works. Each morning I wake up and go to take a shower. I stand before the mirror in all my glory and don't look anywhere else but my belly button (I don't want to be blind as well as chubby!). It helps me determine what I am going to wear, what I am going to eat (or not eat) for breakfast and whether or not I really need to exercise today. If my belly button is shallow with lots of creases and puckers winding their way towards it, I am having a skinny day - I look like the 83 year old! It's when my belly button begins to sink down further and further and the wrinkles disappear due to the swell of my now-pregnant looking stomach that I start to worry. It reaches critical point when I have to use a q-tip to figure out whether or not it's dirty. I know, gross.
Right now the belly button is telling me (and it has been screaming this for the last month or so) that it is time to get my rear into gear and start working out. I had to use the q-tip test just this morning. Not good my friends, not good.
Me: "So, that's good right? It means the baby is healthy and growing?"
Perky and Pathetically Skinny Nurse: "Umm... yeah, but you gained 4 pounds on your last appt. also."
Me: "So..."
Perky and Anorexic Nurse: "So that means that since we saw you five days ago, you have gained 6 pounds which is 10 pounds in one week."
Me: ...
I have never looked at a scale again. I was scarred. No literally - I was scarred, or at least blemished for life. You see, while I was happily shoveling food into my face my stomach stretched and stretched to make room for my growing baby as well as my growing stomach. I stretched my stomach so far it had to kick out my belly button because there was no more room at the inn. If you're grossed out now because you are picturing my ginourmous belly, don't read any further. It gets worse.
So once I became scale scarred I had to find a new way to gage my weight. It turned out I had a built in scale. It's name is my belly button. Even though my belly button has gone back in just like it's supposed to, the skin around it has never quite looked the same. I have the belly button of a 83 year old woman who was obese for most of her life and then drastically lost the weight due to the flu. And that's on a good day. Here's how my built in scale works. Each morning I wake up and go to take a shower. I stand before the mirror in all my glory and don't look anywhere else but my belly button (I don't want to be blind as well as chubby!). It helps me determine what I am going to wear, what I am going to eat (or not eat) for breakfast and whether or not I really need to exercise today. If my belly button is shallow with lots of creases and puckers winding their way towards it, I am having a skinny day - I look like the 83 year old! It's when my belly button begins to sink down further and further and the wrinkles disappear due to the swell of my now-pregnant looking stomach that I start to worry. It reaches critical point when I have to use a q-tip to figure out whether or not it's dirty. I know, gross.
Right now the belly button is telling me (and it has been screaming this for the last month or so) that it is time to get my rear into gear and start working out. I had to use the q-tip test just this morning. Not good my friends, not good.
March 14, 2009
Monster Truck Show!!!
ON FRIDAY, MARK AND I SURPRISED THE BOYS AND TOOK THEM TO A MONSTER TRUCK SHOW. THEY WERE SO EXCITED THEY ... WHAT? OH! SORRY! I'll stop yelling. My ears are still ringing and my butt is still vibrating! Anyway, like I was saying, the boys were thrilled speechless, which is the highest level of honor at our house because it takes A LOT to make them stop talking! Here are some of the highlights from the show (which was 3 hours long by the way and we didn't get home till after midnight!):
The boy's favorite monster truck - Bigfoot.

The boys loved the headphones and Caleb asked if he could sleep with his. They thought they were just fun until the monster trucks started and then they really liked them. Seriously, I now know that monster trucks are not named for their size but the noises they make while driving. It vibrated the whole arena and without earplugs, I don't know how people stood the noise.
All in all a fun night of monsterous proportions!
The boy's favorite monster truck - Bigfoot.
The boys loved the headphones and Caleb asked if he could sleep with his. They thought they were just fun until the monster trucks started and then they really liked them. Seriously, I now know that monster trucks are not named for their size but the noises they make while driving. It vibrated the whole arena and without earplugs, I don't know how people stood the noise.
All in all a fun night of monsterous proportions!
March 8, 2009
Sunday was a day for going and visiting (and driving around in the new truck!). Kye has decided that she loves the new truck. However, she has also decided she doesn't always love the weather whiles she's in the new truck. Drive with me for a moment.
On the beginning of our drive, I glance back at Kye and she is grinning into the wind, relishing the smells of the great outdoors and just enjoying the ride.
I glance back again a few minutes later and her state of bliss seems a little disturbed. She is closely examining the hills we are rapidly approaching.
This is what she sees: Snow, Cold, Fog - not ideal weather for feeling the wind in your hair.
When I glance back at her yet again, this is the look she was giving me. I swear I heard her thoughts "Are you kidding me?." Sorry Kye, Daddy won't let you in the cab.

Luckily the bad weather didn't last long and the boys were able to go outside and enjoy playing at Gramma and Papa G's Place. Owen jabbed.
and stomped.

and climbed.

Luckily the bad weather didn't last long and the boys were able to go outside and enjoy playing at Gramma and Papa G's Place. Owen jabbed.
and climbed.
and threw.
and laughed till he cried. (Actually, I think that was me. He just got a bug in his eye.)
My mightly Caleb climbed also and informed me that the FBI take pictures like this. Looking down on others? In disguise? He wouldn't give me anymore information than that. The FBI would be proud.
March 4, 2009
A Few Things...
I found this on my desk after my students went outside to first recess.

That student gets an A, obviously. It made me laugh that she used the word giggle.I didn't think I giggled I guess! (giggle, giggle) What a sweetheart!
Mark went out and bought a chainsaw (yeah?) and decided to tackle Twiggy the Tree down by the creek. I didn't think it sounded like much fun but Mark said "Babe, I'm using a chainsaw".
OK then.... I'll go read a book.
Speaking of books, I went to the library yesterday and checked out the first books I am going to read from my list. Wait a minute, I thought I had checked out 1984 by George Orwell but I don't see it here! Hmmm... I must look in my car again. Anyway, I'm a little excited. The middle book is Gone With The Wind. I remember when I was younger (last year) my friends and I would always laugh at people who watched that movie. Now, I'm going to be one of those people. After I read the book of course.
Mark's cousin Jesse came to spend the night with us as he traveled to a job interview. I have always had a soft spot for Jesse. The first night I met him, Mark and I had went to Jesse's brothers basketball game (Jeff, who is as tall as a giraffe!) and after the game we all went out to IHOP. Jesse was only about 15 at the time and when his dad asked him to say Grace before our meal, he said "And thank you Lord for bringing Miriah to our family".
That student gets an A, obviously. It made me laugh that she used the word giggle.
Mark went out and bought a chainsaw (yeah?) and decided to tackle Twiggy the Tree down by the creek. I didn't think it sounded like much fun but Mark said "Babe, I'm using a chainsaw".
OK then.... I'll go read a book.
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