Christmas has always equaled family and fun with me and this year was not a dissapoinment. Even though Mark had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (both graveyard shifts) we did manage to share some special memoires anyway. Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Watching the cousins playing together. This is only Aunt McMolly's children and mine so not too many cousins, but the 5 of them make enough noise that you would think there were 20 more.
2. Meeting the newest member of Aunt McMolly's farm. Puppies are my kryptonite. Have you seen that commercial yet where the men are renting puppies by the hour so that they can use them to pick up girls? It is too funny only because it is too true.
3. Caleb's face when he saw this picture from Grandma Golter. He had asked her weeks earlier what she was getting him for Christmas. She replied by saying a ballerina doll in a purple tutu. He of course, made a sound of disgust and then proceeded to tell everyone that his Grandma was getting him a doll. Well, Grandma couldn't actually find one so she made him a special picture of one. He was not impressed and quickly passed it on to me because "it's a girl thing."
4. Mark and I buying each other the same gift for Christmas. Seriously. They are both stereos that you can use with your ipod or mp3 player. I ended up buying the one we both liked more so we took back the one he bought and he is going with his next two ideas for me instead - Obsession perfume and The Pioneer Women's Cookbook.
All in all, definitely a Christmas worth remembering!