Prepare to not be impressed.
I had such high hopes of going out and taking super cool pictures.
I pictured myself having free time to walk around and snap at whatever caught my fancy.
But alas, time is never on my side, I swear it!
Do you want to see some great pictures though?
Head over to my friend Sarah's blog!
She is awesome and we are doing this photo challenge together - it's really fun!
Her website can be found here.
I'll start with my favorite ones and work my way down. (They definitely get worse as you go down - just a warning!)
Category: Something dangerous
Look at those talons! I love eagles! Little did I know how hard it was going to be to take a picture of one though! They are easily spooked and I had to lean out the truck for this one with Mark blocking traffic on our way to church. I have several great photos of their backsides though as they are flying away from me.
Category: Something ending in -ing
I liked the pattern on the wings of this one so I chose it for my -ing picture. Or I guess I could have used the word flying also!
Category: Something Striped
This is a photo of the hotel I stayed at while attending my technology training in Portland. It is close to IKEA and everything was decorated in stripes. I tried to take some photos inside to show all the stripes everywhere but I didn't like any of them so I went with this outside one instead.
Category: A Road Sign
I looked and looked and looked for a road sign that I liked. I couldn't find one anywhere! Or when I did (in Portland) I didn't have my camera with me. Such is my luck! The other day after our terrible windstorm, we were driving down to the property to see if there was any damage and I saw this sign. The wind had blown it down! (Again, Mark blocked traffic so I could snap a photo).
Category: Numbers
Ok. I already know this one is lame but let me explain! This category stumped me even more than the last one. I had originally thought "numbers" because of my cemetery shoot for my photography class but then I didn't want to reuse pictures I had already taken. So then I was in the dilemma of finding some other cool numbers. Before I knew it, my time was up and I had to take some kind of picture. I was cooking dinner and saw these two papers on the fridge and decided to just bite the bullet and snap it.
The top paper is the application for Mark and I's first race - this Saturday. We have been working hard (and at times hardly working) trying to run at least 3 times weekly. We have a whole poster dedicated to our monthly goals, upcoming races we want to do, and rewards if we meet our monthly goals.
The second paper is Caleb's reading goal for the rest of the school year. As a family we went out for hot chocolate after Mark got off work at 8 and each chose a goal we wanted to work on. Caleb decided he wanted to read 10 books a month and have at least 5 of those be chapter books (if there was ever any doubt that he is my child that should silence them!).
So sorry for the lame picture but I had good intentions behind it!
Phew! These months go by fast when you have a deadline! I can't wait for this month's challenge and you picked some good ones Sarah!
Here's what she picked for next month:
1. Something priceless
2. Something or someone lucky
3. A spring flower
4. A photo with a long exposure
5. Something filthy
I can't wait!