Today I tortured myself for 3 hours straight.
In order to get my taxes done I had to go to the public library in Hermiston where my accountant was volunteering her time. I had to wait and wait and wait and finally once I got to see her, I then had to wait and wait some more in order to have a second person review it. I asked if I could option out of the second reviewing and was told no.
Dang it anyway!
After my bottom stopped tingling from all the sitting I did, I gathered up the boys and Grandma and we headed out to Hat Rock State Park.
I have so many fond memories of this park and even some pictures of me feeding the ducks when I was the boy's age. Our bread store in town will sell old bread - 6 loaves for 1 dollar.
I picked some up the other day hoping we would have time for this today.
It was a wee bit windy and sprinkling off and on while we were there but the boys had a blast (and so did Grandma) so it was worth it!
Grandma had her own little following up on the bank.
The boys preferred to throw it in the water and then watch the birds fight over it.
Once our 6 loaves were gone, we loaded up in the wagon and flew back to Pendleton. This week the boys have been going to The Children's Museum to participate in their Spring Break Circus. They have had magician's come teach them tricks, learned how to make pinatas (Caleb calls them "pinchachas) , decorated ice cream cones, and created their own circus costumes and acts. Today was the performance.
Here is Owen the Lion. He is fierce, fast, and if you rub his tummy, he purrs.
Owen was in an act that featured a lion tamer and a fellow big cat - a tiger. The lion tamer used her whip to persuade the two animals to perform tricks like jumping through flaming hoops.
Sometimes the animals didn't do what they were told to so the lion tamer would have to use her whip.
That always got them back into line.
The lion tamer also taught the lion how to stand on chairs and rear up while roaring. Pretty amazing I have to tell ya.
The next act was The Strong Man! I have always liked strong men!
He came out and quickly hopped onto a chair where he proceeded to wow us with his feats of strength. All of his tricks were done with a 1,000 pound barbell and weights. The audience oohed and aahed.
When the children were done with their performances, they were told to get one of their family members to participate in the next part of the circus. Since Mark was in uniform (what an excuse I tell you!) I was the first made to volunteer. The parent in charge told me to put on an overcoat and then led me to a chair which had special paper underneath it. I was then informed that the boys would ask me a series of questions and if I got any wrong, I would get a pie in the face.
Owen grilled me first.
"Mom, what color is your car?" (Phew!) "Blue!"
"Mommmy, how old am I?" (another easy one!) "6!"
Caleb's turn.
"Mom, what are my five favorite colors?" "What! 5? Hmm... Camouflage. Black. umm....Red....Blue...."
"That's pretty good mom. Now, how high was the tallest tight rope ever?" (He asked me this question with the biggest smirk on his face - as if I wouldn't know the answer!)
"100 feet" - I totally know my circus facts.
They both start howling with laughter.
"What!? I was wrong? Impossible!" (apparently I don't know all my circus facts).
They threw the whip cream pie together but my sweet Caleb made sure it only hit me in the stomach. Owen was totally aiming for my face but luckily Caleb overpowered him.
Some parents weren't quite as lucky as me.
It was yet another awesome Spring Break day!