October 20, 2014

Flashback #1 - aka Owen turns 8

So, I know it's been awhile. 
But let's move past that and just pick up where we left off. 
Sound good? 

Ok, then. 

So there we were...

Coming back from Yellowstone we made the decision to stop and stay in Spokane for a while. We love visiting our family there and lots of fun is always to be had in Spokane. 

Right away, the boys got into Aunt Sherry and Uncle Gary's pool. 



And the biggest boy in our family... Mark...

They played for hours and it was awesome to just sit poolside, snap a few pictures, visit with the other girls and read a few pages from my book. I get all filled with happiness just remembering it! 

Mark had talked with Aunt Sherry about celebrating Owen's birthday while we were at her house and Aunt Sherry loved the idea. She even offered to make the cake. Here is her awesomeness: 

Needless to say, Owen loved it and since Birthday Cake is his favorite food group, he was anxious to cut into it. However, we did torture him and make him open a few presents first. 

Then it was time for the cake!

He thought about his wish for a few seconds and then went for it. 

First Birthday bite...

Then it was official. 

My baby turned 8. 

Once we left home, Owen threw his things from the camper and promptly went into the pasture so he could fly his new kite that Aunt Sherry and Uncle Gary gave him. He flew that kite for almost an hour and was amazed that it would stay up in the air just "because of some wind". 

Amazing indeed, Owen. Amazing.