I have to do this.
It's tradition.
On your 100th blog you are supposed to compile a list of facts about yourself and post it here.
It's finally my turn! It has only taken me... let's see... add the 7... carry the 2...
Oh ... yup, just as I suspected... forever!
Are you ready?
Can you handle this?
Try not to be too amazed (or too bored!)
100 Amazing, Astounding, and Astonishing Facts about Moi
1. I am a child of God. He is my Father and I amazed every day at the blessings I have been given by Him.
2. I am a wife, mother, daughter, grandaughter, sister and aunt.
3. I am quirky.
4. I have to cut all my sandwiches into triangles instead of squares or rectangles.
5. My alarm clock cannot be set on a multiple of 5.
6. I refuse to drink coffee.
7. I love to drink chai tea with a shot of vanilla.
8. My favorite candy is a two-way tie: Junior Mints and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and I have several "secret" stashes where I keep these two things hidden just in case I need a fix.
9. I laughed so hard when I was pregnant that twice I peed my pants and once I threw up.
10. My 6th birthday was at Chuck-E-Cheeses' just like Caleb's!
11. The girl across the table from me was madly in love with Mark before he and I dated. She called him "Her Perfect Mark" and when he broke up with her and started to date me, the first thing she squealed to me was "I didn't know you got braces!"
My reply:
"Have you met my perfect Mark?"
(Ok, maybe I only said that in my head, but I know she asked about my braces only to be mean!)
12. I go to bed every night with slipper socks on and every morning they are mysteriously at the bottom of my bed without me.
13. I DO NOT like to cuddle when I sleep. "This is my space, that is your space"
14. My favorite temperatures are all above 85.
15. I can't do a cartwheel.
16. I wore a thong once and it was sooooo incredibly uncomfortable, I simply took it off, threw it in the trash and went commando the rest of the night. I have not worn one since.
17. One of my many goals: Visit all 50 states.
18. So far I have only been to 9 (if airports counted I'd be up to 14).
19. I bit my nails for the last 25 years and was only able to give up the addiction when I started to chew on almonds while I read.
20. I won "best costume" in 8th grade for my devil costume.
21. I liked it so much that I wore it probably 4 more times and only got rid of it 2 years ago. Here it is making an appearance when I was in college working at Denny's.
22. I worked at Denny's all 4 years of college.
23. Once a really cute guy gave me a 20 dollar tip and all he'd ordered was coffee.
24. The really cute guy was Mark.
25. I still have nightmares about working at Denny's.
26. Eating out is one of my-most-favorite-things-in-the-world to do (except at Denny's!).
27. I LOVE to read!!! Always have, always will!!! I am not complete without a book!
28. If someone tells me they don't like reading or even worse, they can't remember the last time they read a book, I instantly know that we can never be friends.
29. I know the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing by heart and when I watch the movie, I mouth all the parts that Baby says because... well, just because.
30. I would give anything to be able to sing like Carrie Underwood.
31. Speaking of Carrie, I just know that the two of us would be Greeeeeeat friends! I can just tell these things.
32. On road trips while Mark is sleeping, I will put in a CD and use a pen for my "microphone" and put on a concert in the car.
33. I'm amazed that no one has told me to audition for American Idol yet (Ha!).
34. My favorite colors are red and orange.
35. I went through a phase when I would only wear red lipstick and matching red nail polish.
36. In fact, I just wore a lot of red, period. Looking back through all my pictures of that time period almost all my clothes were that color. Hmmm... interesting! Mark only remembers the red lipstick.
37. Mark and I met in college.
38. He had me thrown out of class one time because I hadn't brought my assignment like I was supposed to. I am still wondering how I ended up dating him!
39. Two of his friends asked me out before he finally did!
40. Mark did one of my final art projects for me in college (he is very artistic!) and the professor liked it so much that she asked me to talk about it in front of the whole class!
41. My first dog's name was Buster Brown.
42. He was a pound puppy.
43. Then when I was ten, I got a real dog and named him Buster Brown.
44. Our house has a creek behind it and I had a little snake who lived in my yard. I had to name him Sebastian so I wouldn't be afraid of him anymore. (He was pretty itty bitty).
45. I now name all snakes Sebastian and then I promptly run them over with the lawnmower. One time Mark stopped by while he was on duty and he noticed my erratic "path" made by the mower. "Snake?" he asked. "Not anymore" I answered.
46. Speaking of thing I don't like = I loathe bathing suits! Too bad I can't run them over with the lawn mower.
47. When Mark and I first dated he had bleached blond hair, bench pressed 300 pounds and wore an earring. It was instant lust for me.
The love stuff came later.
48. Mark and I only dated for a little over a year before we got engaged.
49. We were only 20 at the time.
50. I have a cramp in my hand so I will have to finish this post tomorrow! Stay tuned (or wake up!).