June 30, 2010

Only In the Town I Love

Because I live in the town that is the home of this:

there of course had to be a huge party to celebrate the unveiling of this:

 People came from all around to stare, take pictures and enjoy all the free snow cones they could slurp.

The artist who made this huge bronze statue was on sight to sign autographs and just visit with about his sculpture.


The rodeo court was out in all their fancy regalia along with the Happy Canyon court. I kept my boys well away. The only princess they need to know about is me.

There were bands to listen to.
(Ok - there was just one but they were really good. It was like listening to several)

Free lunch to be eaten.
(It was my 3rd free meal in as many days and they'd all consisted of BBQ'd hotdogs, but hey who's counting?)

Did I mention all the free snow cones you could eat?

Weird children to take pictures of.
(Wait! That's my weird child. He's still working on his gang signs.)

Girls to meet.
(Owen was more interested in the food but Caleb was invited to their house to play within minutes.)

Shady places with soft green grass to sit and eat our lunch in.

Naps to be taken.

Ponies to ride.

New cowboys and cowgirls to meet.

Faces to be painted.

And because I live where I do, the day wasn't complete until we watched a demonstration of some gun-shootin' while on horseback. We likes us a good challenge, we do.

There's that weird kid again. He is kind of cute though.

I had passed the camera to Mark and asked him to take a picture of me.
 "Hmm... Honey, my eyes are right here, NOT here."

Bulls to ride.

Rope tricks to watch.

And last but not least, a stagecoach to play in.

Not bad for small town entertainment!

June 24, 2010

The next 50...

Who knew making a list about myself could be so much fun!
All day random thoughts kept running through my head concerning things I could put on this blog.

Are you ready?

Here's the next 50 amazing, astounding and astonishing (and for some, annoying!)
facts about me!

51. I was valedictorian of my graduating class. Before you get too excited, please remember I graduated from Echo and 22 is considered a large group of kids.

52. My nickname in Middle School was Myrtle and then it was shortened to Mert by High School. Don't ask me - it's a long story involving Sarah the Hippo and Marcy McFly.

53. My senior year I was ASB vice-president, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) President, Co-Captain of the Varsity Volleyball and Basketball teams, Yearbook Editor and Prom Queen.

54. As the Editor of the Yearbook I wrote my one and only poem: 

55. People afterwards begged me not to write poetry any more.

56. I was a cheerleader my freshman year of High School and I HATED every minute of it. I still have my uniform though because it cheers me up to know that at one point in my life I was a size 2. (Early in my marriage I tried to try it on for Mark but then things got stuck and squooshed and sweaty and that was just getting the top over my bosoms which had finally grown after many prayers and promises to God. Needless to say that was the last time I attempted that!)

57. Growing up, I refused to play the basketball game called "pig". I would only play if we could call it "hamburger" or "pickle". (quirky, remember?)

58. I admire people who make me laugh more than any other trait they might possess.

59. I would rather be on Ellen than Oprah.

60. Friends is my All-Time, Absolute Favorite TV show and I still laugh at all the re-runs no matter how many times I have seen them.

61. I've really (and I mean really) had to work at becoming a good gift-giver. My low point was giving Mark a lava lamp for his 21st birthday.

62. The Denver Broncos are my new favorite football team and that is only because they had the good sense to choose Tim Tebow to come and play for them.

63. I don't choose the biggest desserts but I do choose the prettiest.

64. I don't like to share my food until I am full - then you can have as much of it as you want. I have stabbed Mark with a fork when he reached for my prime rib too soon.

65. I'm a sucker for Romantic Comedies. I love the whole getting-to-know-each-other-but-not-liking-each-other-right-away phase and then the moment when they both realize Oh! That's the one for me! and then the first kiss... . I need to go watch You've Got Mail right now.

66. My Grandma had shirts made before I was born that said:
Happiness is... Miriah.
The words were rainbow-colored, glittery and big. I have the shirts now and I wear them whenever someone is being mean to me.

67. My grandma and I have always been very close and she is, has, and will always be one of my best friends.

68. My grandma and I went on a bingo cruise together and my favorite moment was when we were on an excursion where I was driving a motorized raft and she was sitting in the front yelling at me to go faster and faster. I was already going fast but I revved it up more just to see her smile.

69. I love texting...

70. you tube...

71. "techy" stuff...

72. sharp pencils...

73. pregnant bellies...

74. old people holding hands...

75. walks in the rain...

76. yard saleing...

77. cheap jewelery (don't get me wrong - I like the expensive stuff too but cheap is sadly more my style!)...

78. puppy breath!...

79. books that keep you up all night...

80. dimples that pop out unexpectedly...

81. orange roses...

82. Mark in a tux - Yum!!!

83. I don't dislike too many things but once I don't like something, I don't like it forever.

84. I don't like Burger King commercials - they are way too creepy!...

84. Snakes, spiders, bugs in my clothes... or on my clothes for that matter!...

85. Victoria Secret Commercials - I'm sorry but have some children for Pete's sake and start to enjoy this thing normal people call food and and then come show me how you look in your bra and underwear you freaks!...

86. People like those on Jersey Shore. Seriously. Can you be more stupid? More self-centered?
More Trashy? I think not....

87. armpits and mustaches... both men's and women's!

88. I once played the flute for 6 years.

89. I secretly watch the show "Legend of the Seeker" on my computer.

90. Mark is the only boy to ever break up with me. (It only lasted a few hours but still... it sucked).

91. I'd rather be an Indian brave than a squaw.

92. I changed my clothes 8 different times for Easter Service. I didn't have anything to wear! I swear!

93. Some movies I have seen and can never watch again because I almost cried myself to death:
Saving Private Ryan
Million Dollar Baby
My Life

94. I almost pierced my eyebrow when I was 19 but it cost $70.00 and even then I was too cheap.

95. If I'd had a daughter, I'd have named her Katie and called her my Katie Girl.

96. I was 25 when I had Caleb.

97. I was 26 when I had Owen.

98. Before I became a teacher, I was going to be a lawyer, a pediatrician, a marine biologist or a wildlife biologist.

99. My middle name is Danielle and Mark's is Daniel.

100. I have always been a night owl with an inclination to want to shoot the early bird.

Phew... I am tuckered out! That was a lot of stuff! More things keep popping into head though - like how I want to learn how to play the piano or how I'm in love with my new camera and now I'm on my way to being a "photographer".
Some of these things have given me some ideas of stories to share though...

June 23, 2010

100! Really?

I have to do this.
It's tradition.
On your 100th blog you are supposed to compile a list of facts about yourself and post it here.

It's finally my turn! It has only taken me... let's see... add the 7... carry the 2...
Oh ... yup, just as I suspected... forever!

Are you ready?
Can you handle this?
Try not to be too amazed (or too bored!)

100 Amazing, Astounding, and Astonishing Facts about Moi

1. I am a child of God. He is my Father and I amazed every day at the blessings I have been given by Him.

2. I am a wife, mother, daughter, grandaughter, sister and aunt.

3. I am quirky.

4. I have to cut all my sandwiches into triangles instead of squares or rectangles.

5. My alarm clock cannot be set on a multiple of 5.

6. I refuse to drink coffee.

7. I love to drink chai tea with a shot of vanilla.

8. My favorite candy is a two-way tie: Junior Mints and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and I have several "secret" stashes where I keep these two things hidden just in case I need a fix.

9. I laughed so hard when I was pregnant that twice I peed my pants and once I threw up.

10. My 6th birthday was at Chuck-E-Cheeses' just like Caleb's!

11. The girl across the table from me was madly in love with Mark before he and I dated. She called him "Her Perfect Mark" and when he broke up with her and started to date me, the first thing she squealed to me was "I didn't know you got braces!"
My reply:
"Have you met my perfect Mark?"
(Ok, maybe I only said that in my head, but I know she asked about my braces only to be mean!)

12. I go to bed every night with slipper socks on and every morning they are mysteriously at the bottom of my bed without me.

13. I DO NOT like to cuddle when I sleep. "This is my space, that is your space"

14. My favorite temperatures are all above 85.

15. I can't do a cartwheel.

16. I wore a thong once and it was sooooo incredibly uncomfortable, I simply took it off, threw it in the trash and went commando the rest of the night. I have not worn one since.

17. One of my many goals: Visit all 50 states.

18. So far I have only been to 9 (if airports counted I'd be up to 14).

19. I bit my nails for the last 25 years and was only able to give up the addiction when I started to chew on almonds while I read.

20. I won "best costume" in 8th grade for my devil costume.

21. I liked it so much that I wore it probably 4 more times and only got rid of it 2 years ago. Here it is making an appearance when I was in college working at Denny's.

22. I worked at Denny's all 4 years of college.

23. Once a really cute guy gave me a 20 dollar tip and all he'd ordered was coffee.

24. The really cute guy was Mark.

25. I still have nightmares about working at Denny's.

26. Eating out is one of my-most-favorite-things-in-the-world to do (except at Denny's!).

27. I LOVE to read!!! Always have, always will!!! I am not complete without a book!

28. If someone tells me they don't like reading or even worse, they can't remember the last time they read a book, I instantly know that we can never be friends.

29. I know the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing by heart and when I watch the movie, I mouth all the parts that Baby says because... well, just because.

30. I would give anything to be able to sing like Carrie Underwood.

31. Speaking of Carrie, I just know that the two of us would be Greeeeeeat friends! I can just tell these things.

32. On road trips while Mark is sleeping, I will put in a CD and use a pen for my "microphone" and put on a concert in the car.

33. I'm amazed that no one has told me to audition for American Idol yet (Ha!).

34. My favorite colors are red and orange.

35. I went through a phase when I would only wear red lipstick and matching red nail polish.

36. In fact, I just wore a lot of red, period. Looking back through all my pictures of that time period almost all my clothes were that color. Hmmm... interesting! Mark only remembers the red lipstick.


37. Mark and I met in college.

38. He had me thrown out of class one time because I hadn't brought my assignment like I was supposed to. I am still wondering how I ended up dating him!

39. Two of his friends asked me out before he finally did!

40. Mark did one of my final art projects for me in college (he is very artistic!) and the professor liked it so much that she asked me to talk about it in front of the whole class!

41. My first dog's name was Buster Brown.

42. He was a pound puppy.

43. Then when I was ten, I got a real dog and named him Buster Brown. 

44. Our house has a creek behind it and I had a little snake who lived in my yard. I had to name him Sebastian so I wouldn't be afraid of him anymore. (He was pretty itty bitty).

45. I now name all snakes Sebastian and then I promptly run them over with the lawnmower. One time Mark stopped by while he was on duty and he noticed my erratic "path" made by the mower. "Snake?" he asked. "Not anymore" I answered.

46. Speaking of thing I don't like = I loathe bathing suits! Too bad I can't run them over with the lawn mower.

47. When Mark and I first dated he had bleached blond hair, bench pressed 300 pounds and wore an earring. It was instant lust for me.
The love stuff came later.

48. Mark and I only dated for a little over a year before we got engaged.

49. We were only 20 at the time.

50. I have a cramp in my hand so I will have to finish this post tomorrow! Stay tuned (or wake up!).

June 20, 2010

Sunshine? Why hath thou forsaken us?

This morning when I walked around my yard I caught some faint whispering...

"We need you!
We are ready to burst forth and be fragrant"
groaned my geranuims. 

"We need you!
We are ready to grow and give!"
piped up my peppers.

"We need you!
We are ready to bear more fruit that will be enjoyed by many"
sighed my strawberries.

"We need you!
We are ready to have company come sit around us and make smores and talk, visit, and discuss"
flicked the flames.

Sunshine!! Hurry up already!!
We need you!
We need you!
We need you!

June 17, 2010


I am still screaming!

Give me a sec to calm down and I'll tell you what happened.

OK, here goes.

When I was a kid I wasn't afraid of a lot. Mostly snakes, spiders, gremlins under my bed - you know, stuff a small town kid might see often. Being a small town kid meant lots of time in the great outdoors. Our parents couldn't tell us to go play in the freeway, so they told us to go play in a field instead. So we did. With the Umatilla River close at hand we had many adventures. I think I still have a map of Snake Island along with the hidden path to THEE best rope swing ever. All this exploring in the wilds of Echo led me to add one more thing to my list of fears - ticks.

Remember when I told you about my very first hunting experience?

That story contained mention of some of Satan's children - ticks.

Well, fast forward to today. My bestest friend and I had gone out to Mark's parents house to clean it up a bit before Mom came home. When we were done we thought we'd go out and play with our cameras a little bit and see what we could see.

I took a picture of the house with all the dirt that Mark had been digging up all day (he was getting ready to put in sprinklers for his parents).
Then my bestest and I headed out into the field so I could show her the pond. Owen tagged along with us and the grasses were pretty long; almost head-high to Owen. Everything was so green and pretty, very clean smelling with all the rain we've been having. When we got out to the pond we saw some ducks and a funny little bird that kept yelling "TEEK! "TEEK!", over and over again at us.
Those warnings would come back to haunt me.

As I moved in to get a closer shot a random thought passed through my head. I turned around and said to my bestest: "Hey, when you get home tonight look for ticks." (giggle, giggle)
Her eyebrows shot up to the top of her forehead "WHAT!"
"Mark's Dad was telling me a while ago how this has been a bad year for ticks. He's found a bunch on his dog Maggie. Don't worry though, I think she must have been up higher in the hills. I doubt there are any down this low. (I am banging my head against the keyboard right now shocked at my own stupidity)

We kept taking pictures and listening to the little bird shout it's warning at us "TEEK! "TEEK!"

After a while, we walked throught the lush thick grasses back to the house and continued on our merry way home. Our paths parted and once I got home I was getting a snack for the boys when I looked down at the front of my sweatshirt.

I saw a little bug crawling by the pocket of my favorite Gap hoodie.

Watch out little bug I thought and then I flicked it off with my hand.

Only... here's the problem. It clung onto my hand and it wouldn't let go. I drew my hand slowly and carefully up to my face so I could see exactly what it was. Hmmm... didn't look like any bug I'd ever seen before. And then, just like that, I knew. I flung that little sucker down on the counter for all I was worth. I quickly grabbed a small plastic container and trapped the little booger inside it. My next move was what any educated person would have done. I googled the word "tick" and then I chose images.

Uh-huh - it was a tick all right! And it had crawled on me!

My next move was what any woman who had found a tick on her would have done - I stripped off all my clothing and ran screaming into the shower.

Once I was done checking myself everywhere (and I mean everywhere), I stripped Owen and threw him into the bathtub. I carried our clothing with the broom handle to the laundry room and washed everything on hot (DIE YOU TICK SCUM!)

Then I blew dry my hair on the highest heat and ran a fine-toothed comb through it. Then I called my bestest. (I know, I should have called her right away but I was still trying to figure out how to tell her I had exposed her to ticks)

My bestest: "Hey you!"

Me: "Ummm.... are you still wearing the same clothes you were wearing earlier?"

My bestest: "Well, I changed pants... Why? (indrawn breath) Did you find a tick on Owen?"

Me: (practically sobbing) "Nooooo, it was on meeeee! Hurry! Hurry!Hurry! Go change, go shower, go look everywhere 'cause I can't stand the thought that I exposed you to ticks!"

Luckily she didn't have any. Phew!

Once I had everything under contol I went to have another look at Satan's pet. Can you see it's beady little eyes? It's mouth just wanting to get a hold of your flesh? It's body ready and waiting to be bloated on your sweet blood?

Ok, I'm freaking myself out again just looking at the picture. 

Mark found me wringing my hands together, staring at the tick and trying to decide the best way to dispose of it. Should I flush it? I've heard they can jump and I know where my imagination would go with that one - so no, flushing was not an option.
Should I try to squoosh it? I've heard they have bodies like armor and what if it didn't squoosh but managed to escape and then I had an angry unsquoosed tick on the loose in my house - I would have to move. Squooshing was not an option.

My bestest called me and when I explained my dilema she told me what to do. Burn the little sucker. Light it on fire and never look back. Hmm... I liked that idea. (picture me rubbing my hands together laughing in evil delight - Mwa haaa haaaa!)

Of course, I still wouldn't get close to the thing so Mark had to do the honors.

Die You Horrible, Disgusting, Never-should-have-been-created Creature!

Whew! That was a close one. I tell you what - if I never see a tick on me again in my life, it will be too soon!
I should have listened to what that sweet little bird was trying to tell us - "TEEK! TEEK!"
It was trying to warn us about the ticks but I couldn't make that out because of his accent.
Now I know better...