July 8, 2010

Bowling with 5 (and 6,7,8 year olds)

Our little man, Mr. O., decided that for his birthday he was going bowling.
He invited a passle of friends
(and neighbors, fellow grocery shoppers and swimming pool goers).

I quickly noticed several things.
First a line was needed before we had an all out brawl between the bowlers.

My best friend Dawn quickly became
"The Head Woman in Charge" and she directed bowling traffic quickly and efficiently.
With a snap of her fingers those kids knew which way to go and they were quick about it or else they'd get a second finger snap telling them they were taking too long!

I just sat back and watched from behind my camera and I noticed several things.
To start with the kids would all look way down the lane towards the pins and they would not be smiling.
Talk about game faces!

I also noticed that the boys all employed the same two-handed-side throw which is not pretty but apparently gets the job done.

It starts with the wind up. Elbow is back, hips are thrust to one side, feet are evenly spaced apart.
(I think the only thing I have in focus is a small point on the elbow)

Then comes the throw.
So much force is behind it that most kids have to close their eyes.

Notice the footing.

The sheer determination.

And then notice my niece.
She (being the only girl) chose to do things her own way. She quietly observed some bowlers beside us and then did what they did.

The boys were oblivious.

After the heave, oops I mean throw, down the lane, I noticed that the kids had their own way of observing the outcome of their hard work.

We had "The Crouch".

And "The Slouch".

"The Conversation"

Hey, how's your game today?
Not bad, not bad. You?

My favorite shots were those of victory.

Caleb - "Woohoo! My ball managed to hit some pins!
I am The Greatest Bowler To Ever Live!"

Owen - "I'm awesome, I'm awesome. Check me out.
Now that I'm 5, I can do anything.
Just sit back and watch me!"

More birthday pics to come!

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