November 11, 2011

What's New - Post #1

It has already been almost a year since we have sold our house, bought 6.25 acres, moved in with Mom and Dad out in Pilot Rock and started the adventure of building our own home.

This is our new home:

 "Hmmm..." your probably saying to yourself. "Um, Miriah... where is the house?"

Well, let me tell you my friends, the house is still in our heads at this point, but believe it or not we are getting closer to someday living in this fictional house of ours. As of today we have finished the utilities, have the gravel driveway done and are now ready to pour concrete. Mark has told me it could be this week or it could be the week after. In building a new house terms that means the same thing as:

 It will happen when it happens.

I have learned to put little faith in time lines.

Working on the property has been a ton of  fun though and since we have moved out of Mom and Dad's into a rental here in town, we have had lots of time to spend on the place. Now that things are finally moving along, we have made sure the boys are right in the thick of things.

Whether it's digging the trench for some utilities...
 Or just digging...
Or marking the lines of the house for the excavator...

Or being the excavator...

the boys have had a ball!


Anonymous said...

Gavin would like to correct you. I said, Gavin, look! Miriah's boys are getting to drive the excavator! He looked at it, gave me a dirty look, and said, "That's a backhoe, not an excavator." My boy knows his heavy equipment! :-) The place is looking great!

Mrs. G said...

That's too funny! Please tell Gavin that I stand corrected!

Jeff said...

Your loyal readers welcome your return. I can't wait to resume hearing about all your adventures.

Christy said...

So glad to see your blog up again. I too have missed out on having some good laughs.