April 29, 2012

House Update!

What a beautiful day!
Even better, what a beautiful day to work at the house!

Last week, Mark met with Kevin our builder and he told Mark some great news:
Start packing because this is the month we are moving!

We still have some projects we have to finish before the house is done so we played hookie from church this morning and got busy. We finished caulking and then we power sprayed the entire house so that on the next sunny day we have, we will be painting the outside. 

The inside stuff that we had to do is finished and all the other projects are quickly getting done as well. The stairs were added in the garage and only need a few more things.

The master bathroom is almost finished and is just awaiting the plumber and electrician this week. 

The kitchen is also in it's final stages. Some more grout work this week and then just plumbing and electrical stuff.

The fireplace only needs a few more touches.

The large beam in the family room has been set and now just needs the electrician to hook up the giant fan we bought. 

The front door is only needing it's doorknob and a little more trim around the tile.

The living room tray ceiling is almost finished as well. A little paint and the rope lights added and then it will be done.

Mark's room is looking great. It just needs the spot lights for his head mounts added in along with the tracks for his pocket doors. 

The closets have been built in the boys' rooms and the desks only need the tops on them. The lights will be finished in their this week also.

The bathroom for the boys is just needing it's counters, and sink finished (along with the toilet).

Lots done and just a little needed in each room to finish it up. We have 4 people working each day and this week we add in the electrician and plumber. Carpet should be going in at the end of this week or the beginning of next. We still need to pour the concrete for our front sidewalk and garage driveway but then the outside stuff is almost complete as well. I'm amazed at how fast this has all gone and I still can't really picture us living here! It seems too fancy or something...I'm not sure but I know that first night in the house is going to feel so unreal!

Until then, we will all keep plugging away at projects and I will start packing up our little rental so that when we get the word - we are ready! 
Oops! I almost forgot! The boys have been helping in every way they can as well. They helped fill in holes that we dug for irrigation, collected nails, checked gopher traps, helped paint and spray for weeds. 
I read on a blog to try white vinegar on your weeds as an alternate to Round-Up. It was supposed to cost a lot less and be a lot less toxic to everything else. Honestly, it was the cost a lot less that pulled me in and so we tried it today on the weeds along our driveway. I am going to keep a close eye on it and if it truly works, I will let you know!


Jeff said...

I look forward to hearing about the vinagar as I have been looking for something non toxic to use in our grass so Nathan can play in it all he wants. Plus any excuse not to give Monsanto any of my money. Both our neighbors just let the weeds grow wild so it is a challenge.

Andi said...

Horticultural vinegar is much stronger than your regular white vinegar. I would just use it to spot-treat weeds and not go too crazy; you want to keep the soil in a healthy state for growing the plants you want. You can dig up dandelions in the yard.

Lindsay said...

this is SOOO exciting!! :) so, so close :)