January 8, 2013


What is the game that has taken the Golter house by storm?
Each year we get the boys a new game for Christmas.
Mark and I love games and we want to pass that love on to our children.
Luckily they have no problem being the recipients of games and they actually get all excited and want to play them as soon as they are opened.
As soon as Monopoly was sprung loose this year, the boys quickly abandoned their other games and wanted to learn this new one.
Chess - so last spring...
Risk - so last summer and fall...
The four of us played our first game together this last weekend and since then there has been a daily Monopoly game going on at our house.
The boys are learning great lessons from the game also!
*It is better to own a property than to pay rent to someone else.
*When you develope your property or put some money into it, your reward will be greater later on.
*Life has unexpected surprises that can cost you money! Be prepared!
*The bank will not give you money for free and when they loan you money, it is never a good deal.
The lessons just go on and on! Not to mention all the practice they are getting with money. It is awesome!

If you stop by anytime soon, be prepared to sit down for a game or two!
The boys are anxious to play (and take all your money too!)


Jeff said...

Oh my goodness, when you say you are blogging again you are not kidding! I love it! Although, I am a bit disappointed the boys have already moved on from chess, as I need someone to practice with so I can beat Erin once in my life.

Mrs. G said...

I'm sure chess will make a come back - don't worry! Until then you'd better brush up on your Monopoly skills. It is all they talk about. Mark and I have created monsters! They both still get totally upset though if they have to go bankrupt...tears sometimes make an appearance!

Anonymous said...

Hey Miriah,
I have been enjoying reading your blog. When I saw this one I had to comment because Monopoly has become the game of choice at our house as well. About a month or so ago when I was working evening shift 3pm to 11pm Tim and Chase started playing Monopoly nightly and my son has now become obsessed with it wanting to play daily. My kitchen table has now been taken over by a monopoly board. We have both Spongebob and regular monopoly and Chase got Monopoly millionaire for Christmas. It is a great game to teach kids money and strategy. Chase loves buying hotels and motels and I am amazed at how he is counting money.
Games are such a great way to spend family time!!!
Again thanks for sharing your blog.

Mrs. G said...

Kylee! I am so glad to hear from you - I miss you! Isn't it funny how we can still have so much in common without even having seen each other in months? We played again last night and finished the game this morning and the boys are still obsessed! Mark thinks we should buy the Star Wars version for Caleb's birthday and it makes me smile to hear that you guys have more than one version as well! Give your little Chase man a huge hug from me and let me know when you guys want to come over for a tournament!