February 4, 2013

Ignorance = Bliss

Wits and Wagers is my new favorite game.
It doesn't hurt that I am gooood at it - be warned!
I play to win (and wager apparently!).

I have decided that I would like one of these please.
I need squooshy cheeks, rosebud mouths and diaper bottoms crawling around in footie-jammies again.

I will even take food faces...

I want to rewind the years a wee bit and have my own boys become 3 and 4 again.
I would like for Mercy to smile more when I take her picture.
Girlfriend's looking a little scary.
And a little slobbery.

I would like for Kye to live forever. The sweetest, most patient, gentlest dog ever. She is starting to show her age and I don't like it one little bit.
Not that she looks old.
The fact that she is getting old.

More sunshine = more walks.

More walks = more guns that the boys bring to the park in order to do battle.
They are starting to pack backpacks now along with their holsters and belts, hidden knives and swords. The backpacks contain all the "good stuff".
Or so I'm told.
I've chosen not to look.
That's me - Ignorance = Bliss.

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