I am ready for a fresh start this new year.
I haven't picked up my camera in 2 months.
I haven't blogged in 2 months.
There are a million and one reasons why but the main reason is because I haven't squeezed the time in to do it.
But, it's a new year and that means anything is possible right?
Mark and I are big goal setters. Always have been, always will be.
It's how God made us and I'm so glad He did!
Mark and I usually go out to eat and sit down with hot drinks and discuss our plans for the year. Where to focus our money, our time, our attention.
We talk about different areas and create goals for each different one.
This freaks a lot of my friends and family out that we actually sit down and do this, but I find it soothing. Without direction I am lost easily. Very easily.
Here are my goals for this year. Some are ones that Mark and I have together but some are mine alone.
Spiritual Goals:
*Choose one book of the Bible to read per month or 1 Christian study book
*Do a marriage devotional with Mark
*Facilitate a Dave Ramsey class
Marriage Goals:
*Go out (just Mark and I) at least once a month
*Look for only the good in each other and show more grace for faults
Children Goals:
*Continue to pray with them each night and record it in our prayer journal
*Work with them on their chores around the house - remodel how I expect things to be done
*Do "boy stuff" with them even if Mark is not around (i.e. learn how to shoot the BB gun, build legos, and throw a football)
Home Goals: (these are definitely the both of us)
*Put in the pump for the creek and get the pasture sprinklers going
*Fence the pasture and plant grass
*Put in the sprinklers for our yard
*Plant grass and begin to landscape
*Put in the shed and chicken coop
Health Goals:
*Run in 4 5k's this year
*Run a 10k
*Participate in either a Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash or Dirty Dash
*Run at least part-way up Doomsday Hill during Bloomsday
Financial Goals:
*Now that the house is built, restart our retirement accounts and boys' college accounts
*Pay cash for all Home Goals
*Increase income by renting out pasture this year (to non-crazy people preferably)
That is all for now but I'm sure that more will come up as the year goes on. It's always fun to look back though and see what goals were accomplished and what ones weren't. I have a plan now and I 'm ready for 2013 to start!
What are your goals?