April 23, 2013

Caleb's Halo Birthday Party

Amidst the all day conferences, baby bunnies being born, chickens dying (one with a head flying off mind you!) our sweet Caleb turned 9.
Nothing says Happy Birthday like a chicken head flying at you!
Ok. Ok. The chicken head didn't actually happen until the day after his party but more on that later.
Caleb loves his birthday and so does Owen. They usually start counting down in January and begin discussing what they are going to do for their party and what they would like for gifts.
When they are happy with each other they even say things like,
" I am going to get you the BEST present ever!"
or "I am going to spend soooo much money on you!"
When things are not so good between them it is more along the lines of
"I am NEVER, EVER going to buy you a present!!"
or my personal favorite
"I am going to buy you the worstest present ever!" said by Owen in a particually heated rage.
Countdown or not, the big day had finally come. And then it went because technically we only celebrate birthdays around here when Mark has a day off and it's a weekend. That happened to be Saturday the 20th this year.  
Caleb wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheeses again but that didn't sound like fun to me so I planned out something for us to do at home instead with a Halo (ie the Lego version) theme.
I started with a few birthday invitations to some of his friends:

(side note here - in the invitation I asked the kids to bring some guns with them. I assumed they would bring toy guns but I had one mom text me asking if I meant Nerf, airsoft or BB. I told her to go ahead and bring all 3 and we could work them all in with some supervision of course! You might live in Eastern Oregon if...)
Then I made some camouflage cupcakes. They were so easy and fun I can't believe I haven't made them before!
Here they are before I baked them:

Here they are after I baked them:

And here they are all frosted up and ready to eat!
(I could make some jokes here about them being hard to see but I will spare you)

We threw up some camo streamers and tanks, helicopters, and other stuff. Then we fed the hungry troops some pizza before the cupcakes and ice cream were brought out.

Happy Birthday Caleb!

I hope he wished for something really cool.

The first birthday bite...

Then the real fun began.
I whipped out some face paint, camo bandannas and even some tank tattoos. Then I added some dog tags and toy weapons and we were ready to party!


The original plan had been to go to the park, split up into two teams and play Capture the Flag. However, with the winds being what they were (cold and freaky strong) I bagged that plan and set them up with some games for outside. The first one involved Owen being a hostage, Mercy being a dog of war and children running amok out in the pasture trying not to fall head first into the ditch we have dug for our sprinklers.
The second game was A LOT more fun!
We played Capture the Flag on the Dad!

It was the best game ever!
Mark went outside and hid and then I made all the boys count inside to 100. While they were inside with me I told them that they had to try to get the flag he was wearing on his back pocket.
If he touched them first they had to give him their glow stick and be "out" for that round.
Then I sent them all outside.
Did I mention it was dark by this point?
I hope so, because that was the best part of it all!
I think that they agreed with me!

It was a birthday that Caleb will not soon forget!

April 15, 2013

Projects, projects, projects!

Do you know what I love about blogging the most?
It's not the photo editing or the endless backspacing as I constantly rethink what I want to say.
It's the looking back over previous posts and seeing all the fun things we have done. 
Without this blog, I know I would forget half of it (at least!) and the other half I wouldn't remember with nearly as much detail.
Here's to blogging!
So this last week we scored some free railroad ties that we plan on using in the pig pen, around the chicken coop, in the pasture and a dozen other places. For those of you who have never moved railroad ties (I was one of you just last week!) please know this - THEY ARE HEAVY!
My body has been telling me that it was not built for this kind of lifestyle. This building fences, lifting heavy things lifestyle. 
 It was built for sitting on the beach, reading a book and drinking something cold with an umbrella in it. I've tried telling my husband that and he just tells me to keep dreaming and start lifting.
We had a bazillion trees delivered to our place and Mark decided that wasn't enough so he went and dug up some more at an old nursery in Umatilla. We were included in a grant that gave us free trees to plant along the creek bank. They range in size from skinny medium to teeny, tiny watch-where-you-step size...
See how all these trees are mostly pointing upwards and outwards?
Now think back to those horrifically windy days this last weekend and picture all of those trees pointed straight at the ground with their bottoms out of the water.
Rude, I know.
After braving the wind gusts 109 times to try and put their bottoms back into the water, I ended up just pulling the plug on the trough (literally!) emptying all the water, removing all the trees, moving the trough under Caleb's window, moving all the trees into the trough again and then refilling said trough with water again.
Wish I had thought of that plan on one of the 108 trips I had made earlier.
Caleb is happy because he now has a "forest"  outside his window.

We (the marital "we" - technically I was at work) started planting them at the eastern most edge of our property along the creek and will continue to work our way west as we go. We are planting the bigger trees first in two rows offsetting each other in each row.
(and yes, because it is my husband, tape measure have been brought out just to make sure things are lined up and symmetrical).

Notice all the rocks? It is NOT fun to dig right beside the creek!

Mark's friend Paul came by again to help us and visit. (He remembered the new plan - work and visit!) Thank goodness! Tractors make life much easier at times! Thank you Paul!(and please note that I only included nice pictures of you this time. I am saving the bad ones for a later time just to make sure you are still reading my blog!)


The boys came outside to see what was going on and then asked how they could help. Owen took over my job of raking.
 My barely healed blister thanked him.

And Caleb grabbed his shovel so he could help fill in holes and then dig new ones. 


Last week we (again, marital we being used here. I only loaded up and scored us the free pallets) also begun to create the pig shelter for the pigs that will be ours in a couple of weeks. It still needs floor boards, a roof and some front siding but it's coming along nicely. I am so proud of us and all "our" hard work!

This weekend the boys and I went and picked up the newest members of our family. We packed the car up with two large dog crates and headed to Milton-Freewater. Upon arriving, we found out that getting chickens for free also meant we had to catch those chickens first.
Now, for those of you who know me, you should know that I have never held a chicken in my life. A baby chick, yes. But a big chicken that could peck your eyes out or scratch your arm off? No way, Jose!
I am now an official chicken wrangler. After running around a very large chicken coop for an hour and unsuccessfully trying to throw my coat over the chickens to catch them, I decided enough was enough. I put on my black, fuzzy gloves that were located in my coat pocket and proceeded to catch me some chickens. Once I set my mind to it, those chickens were no match for me. They tried to flap their wings at me and once I worried for Caleb as a couple of them landed on his head but overall I was only pecked once (luckily my black, fuzzy gloves saved me!)
Those chickens had their revenge though - let me tell you. Remember I said that I brought two large dog crates. Well, on the drive home we didn't hear a peep from them but it turns out they were plotting the whole time. When I unloaded the crates back at the house, I noticed a whole bunch of black poo. I opened up the crate door and tried to coerce them into going into their new accommodations. They wouldn't listen to me at all.
So out came the black, fuzzy gloves again and I got on my hands and knees and wrestled each and every chicken out of the dog crates.
However, some signal must have passed between them because each and every bird proceeded to flap and flutter and spray me with black chicken poo. Before too long I was covered head to toe and when some friends stopped by to see how I was doing, I must have looked pretty bad because they flinched when they got close to me and even took a step back. I clipped each bird's wing and then let it on it's merry way in the coop.
 Say "Hello" to the girls!

Mercy sure wants to!
(Her wireless collar prevents her from getting any closer but I'm sure if she didn't have it on she would be up in these chicken's business in no time!
The boys have individual names for all of them but I haven't learned any of them besides one Americana they have named Jalapeno.

Since Mark was at work, the boys and I decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to add some more members to our family once the chickens were calmed down (and I was relatively cleaned up). 

Our friends The Summerfields gave us their hutch to use for a while and also their rabbits. They are focusing on raising fryer chickens right now and are super busy. Aren't they the best friends ever!
Meet Mama. She is pregnant and ready to have her babies sometime this coming week.
I'm soooooo excited to have baby bunnies bouncing about!

This is Baxter. He is a buck from one of Mama's earlier litters. I hate to say it, but I think he has stolen some one's heart.


 I'll give you 3 guesses who and the first two don't count!
We have a third bunny but I haven't allowed myself to take him out yet to play with. At some point, I am wanting to sell these bunnies as pets or for their meat and I just don't think I can do that if I start to play with them and love on them.
For now this guy is Nameless and we are looking for a home for him. Whether that be a new cage to live in or a soup pot, at this time I am impartial.
Just in case you were thinking we didn't have enough to do,
it is time to get our pasture sprinkler system up and going.
Here is the ditch for us to start laying some pipe. Just follow all those little white flags. Keep going.
Keep going.
That one way down there...
there are actually 3 more after it.
I need another spring break please.
In lighter news our orchard is in bloom.
Or I should say, in A bloom.

This year we knew there would be no time (nor money!) to put in our garden fencing so we are planting in the orchard area. Believe it or not, but there are onions in this picture.
Lots of weeds as well but right now I'm scared to hoe anything until some of the weeds either become more weedlike or the onions become more onionlike.
I have no idea what I am killing otherwise!
Side note: When I told the boys that I was going to go hoe in the orchard, Caleb told me that his friend at school had said that was a bad word. I said his friend was silly and what could possibly be bad about a hoe?
(Mark better get home soon! I can't handle tough topics of conversation with the boys at all! I need my marital "we"!)

April 13, 2013

The Summerfields

My camera hobby has had to take a backseat the last few months as I have just been too busy to really do much with it. That being said, when our good friends The Summerfields called me and asked if I would take their pictures, I jumped at the chance!
We went down to the park much too early to have great lightening but it was such a beautiful day that we couldn't resist.
Their oldest.

Their youngest.

Their second youngest.

And their oldest boy.

We had a great time just playing around and doing silly things.

The son was way too bright but we didn't let that stop us from trying!

This family is so wonderful and I am so thankful every day that they are our friends!

April 11, 2013

35 answers!

I'm sure you have been just dying to know the answers to all of Mark's birthday questions. And then when I didn't post the answers yesterday like I said I would, I'm sure that you had some silent tears streaming down your cheeks.
No? Well, tell Mark that lie anyway. It will make him feel really good about himself knowing that information about him could be so powerful as to make a person cry if they can't get it!
As I'm sitting here typing I am also mentally rubbing my hands together in anticipation of you reading this post. His birthday was so much fun and even though you couldn't be there, I am hoping that you will sit down (with your spouse anyone?) and compete just the same. Pretend I am there telling corny jokes and Mark is looking on in hopeless embarrassment and it will be like you were here last Saturday!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Let's get it on!!!
Yes or No Questions:
1. Does Mark read a book while on vacation? (YES)
2. Does Mark like horses? (NO)
3. Does Mark like coconut? (NO - CAN"T STAND THE STUFF)
4. Does Mark sleep in while on vacation? (NO - CRAZY HUH!)
5. Does Mark flex his muscles in the mirror after every shower? (NO)

True or False Questions:
6. Mark thinks he's getting old. (TRUE)
7. Mark once colored his hair fire engine red. (TRUE)
8.Mark had his toenails professionally painted to impress a girl. (FALSE - ONLY BECAUSE I AM NO PROFESSIONAL!)
9. Mark broke up with Miriah. (TRUE - JERK!)

This or That Questions:
10. What is Mark's favorite movie - Braveheart or Last of the Mohicans? (BRAVEHEART)
11. Is Mark an early bird or a night owl? (EARLY BIRD)
12. Which would Mark rather be - taller or more muscular? (TALLER)
13. Is Mark happier with his shirt on or off? (ON BUT THAT WASN'T ALWAYS THE CASE!)
14. Does Mark prefer the smell vanilla or cinnamon? (CINNAMON)
15. Is Mark the romantic one or does he just go along with whatever Miriah wants to do? (MARK IS THE ROMANTIC ONE HANDS DOWN)
16. Which does Mark wish he had more of - chest hair or facial hair? (FACIAL HAIR)
17. Does Mark prefer having a cavity filled or being checked for a hernia by having someone grab him and tell him to cough? (CHECKED FOR A HERNIA  HE HAS A MAJOR DENTIST PHOBIA)
18. Which intimidates Mark more - a crazy meth addict holding a knife 
a classroom full of 29 children? (CLASSROOM OF CHILDREN THE BIG CHICKEN!)
19. What time period does Mark wish he lived in - Caveman Days, Cattledrive Era, Victorian Times? (CATTLEDRIVE ERA)
20. If given a choice, which of the following would Mark be -
A caveman with a cavewoman to boss around
An Indian brave with a squaw of his own
A mountain man with a wildcat of a woman?
Just Answer as Best as You Can Questions:
21. What is Mark's favorite kind of candy? (WHOPPERS)
22. How many piercings did Mark used to have? (4 - HIS EARS WERE BOTH PIERCED TWICE)
23. What was the first animal Mark ever killed? (RABBIT)
24. Who was the 1st baby Mark ever held? (CALEB)
27. What is Mark's favorite holiday? (CHRISTMAS)
28. How many elk has Mark shot? (9)
29. What grade was Mark in when he finally broke 100 pounds? (FRESHMAN YEAR)
30. What sport did Mark play in High School to make his parents mad? (FOOTBALL)
31. What is the most Mark has bench pressed? (305)
32. What vegetable make Mark puke if he accidentally eats it? (CUCUMBER)
33. Who does Mark think is the greatest actor of all time? (JOHN WAYNE)
34. What is Mark's favorite color? (BLUE)
35. What is Mark's favorite football team? (SEATTLE SEAHAWKS)
Did any surprise you? Mark shared that he loved listening to the groups debate the answers amongst themselves before they would respond.
My favorite part was watching Mark react to the questions as I asked them.
Way too much fun I tell ya!
Let him know how you did with the quiz!

April 8, 2013

Raspberries and a Chicken Coop!

Things are progressing at a good clip down at the Golter farm!
I'm going to turn into an Aunt McMolly farm girl before I know it, out sheering sheep, shoveling manure and raising wild turkeys.
Oh wait.
I think I am already kind of doing that when I cut Mark's hair, clean the dog poop out of my shoes and raise the two children who keep referring to me as "Zooey Mamma" (Owen's got Caleb doing it now too!).
I have no idea where they came from but they don't seem to be leaving anytime soon.
Wild Turkeys indeed!
While I've been off playing in my classroom Mark has been busy on his days off here around the house. One day I came home and he had the raspberry part of our "berry patch" all planted and ready to go.
The raspberries will be the start of it and soon we will build some beds for the strawberries and then throw in some blueberries as well. The blackberries we will leave down by the creek since they are doing AWE-some there.

The first row and a half of raspberries all came from my cousin Johanna who swears by them. She said that if we aren't happy with them, we can go to her house and shave her bald.
At least that's what I think she said...
At the end of the second row, we planted some in a bush like format that will grow into "Black" raspberries. These starts were given to us from a good buddy of Mark's and he swears by them as well (lots of swearing by these raspberry people I tell ya!).
He said that if we don't like them, we can go to his house and hang him by his toes and tickle him with his wife's feather boa.
I'm pretty sure he said that anyway...

Our 3rd row of raspberries were also given to us and they are a thorn less variety that (can you guess?) the giver swears by. He said that if we don't like them, he doesn't want to hear about it because we were obviously too stupid to recognize a good berry when we saw it.
Hmmm... I think I like this guy!

Everything looks so puny, thin and small when it is just planted!
This is the front part of the orchard. The gate isn't quite done yet and I am going to be planting a few climbing flowers along the front of it but I do like the way it looks so far.

 This is around to the other side of the dirt mound (which will someday be landscaped) looking towards where the pig pen is going to be. Mark has buried fence about a foot and a half down and we will also be burying some railroad ties that were given to us along different parts of the fence to help keep those little piggies in.

Here is another shot from the back. I am totally prejudiced but I think it is one of the best Orchard fences I have seen.
Granted, I have only paid attention to about 2 of them but ours has to rank in the top of that group! My blister tells me so!

Our next project is in the works already. A friend from church called us up and told us that a lady she knew was wanting to get rid of all her chickens. They are a year old and already laying eggs and everything. Best of all - they are free!
I quickly called and got it all set up. All I needed now was a chicken coop!
Turns out Aunt McMolly had one that she gave us so Mark repaired a few boards on it, built me some nesting boxes and then brought it into the garage. He then gave it two coats of primer and turned the rest of the painting over to me.
I'm standing on the landing to take this picture so it looks a wee bit small but I bet it stands close to 5 feet at the peak.
At first I was having to paint all by myself.
It's lonely painting all by yourself!
I channeled my inner Karate Kid and practiced my "hidden" karate skills by waxing on and waxing off. (Or painting up and down but whatever. I remember it one way, you may remember it another).
I sang along with all the country songs on the radio that I had blaring. Apparently I am really good at Miranda Lambert's song "This Ain't My Mamma's Broken Heart". The dogs only howled twice during that one.
Finally, the boys heard all the commotion and came out to help me. Owen helped by shooting some baskets and talking non-stop to me (aka - himself). This was a great help because Owen + paint = a HUGE mess! Caleb actually picked a paint brush and got to work.

 Little Miss Curiosity wouldn't stay away and I accidentally dropped some paint on her when I tripped over her. Somehow in the process I also got paint in Caleb's hair as well but I managed to keep myself very clean and free of paint.
Thank you very much. 

(I keep trying to take a picture of Mercy where she doesn't look seriously ticked off but I am finding it to be quite the challenge...)