February 24, 2013


So technically I should be finishing my love story from the other day (week!) ago, but frankly I don't have the time!

Sitting in church today waiting for the pastor to finish his 20 minute "review" of the previous 6 weeks, I made a quick list of the various things that have monopolized all my time this month. 

Some good, some bad, some annoying, some not. 
Some were things you probably also had to devote time to and some things you probably would never devote time to but read through and see what you see!

A - appointments. Let me tell you. Eye doctor = 1. Orthodontist =2.
Dentist = 5. Yep. 5. Can't wait until those bills start to roll in!

B - basketball. This last Saturday was the final 3 games of the season and I can finally claim Saturday mornings for myself again.

C - changing crews/court/Mandatory Mondays/SWAT training = all of it equals Mark working A LOT. This last week he worked Monday through Friday (each a 12 hour shift). We were all tired. 

D - dodgeball Club. Each Thursday Caleb does Dodgeball Club where 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders meet in the gym for an hour (supervised) and play a different form of dodgeball each week. Caleb loves it more that peanut butter.

E - early mornings. In the spirit of getting ready for some races I am getting up each morning at 5 so that I have time to go to the gym while Mark is home with the boys. Makes me yawn around 7:30 at night but I do like getting it done and over with. 

F - Foster Care. Mark and I along with the boys have been brainstorming ways that we can give back to others. We all feel so blessed with everything that we have, that we have decided to open up our home for kids who need a stable and safe place to stay for a while. We have started the mountains of paperwork, had our first meeting with DHS, and have got things rolling. Right now we are limiting it to only 2 children and they have to be between the ages of 3 - 8. We'll see what the Lord has planned for us there!

G - grants. Our property is lined on 2 sides with McKay creek and that means we are eligible for a grant that brings people in and plants trees along our banks to help with erosion. Next month we begin the process of planting 500 aspen trees. There may be some willow as well and Mark just said a few evergreens may show up. We have had to secure deer fencing for this project as well as plan out our irrigation system for the pasture and these trees. 

H - house projects - Owen's room is where we are currently at and it has been pretty bare. We are working on a hunting/fishing/family theme in there and we have a few finishing touches to do before I put up pictures. 

I - investments. As per our goals for the year, it was time to start up our investments again. We stopped while we were building but that retirement is important along with the kids' college funds so it was time. More meetings and phone calls but everything is rolling now. 

J - jogging. Lots and lots of jogging. Now that the weather has been nice (er) I have been running outside as much as I can - including as many hills as I can!

K - kids. I have 29 students right now. 1 severely autistic, 1 on a major behavior plan, 1 with diabetes, 6 on IEP's, 1 recently abused, and all needing my every spare minute of attention and love. EX-HAUSTING I tell ya! EXHAUSTING!

L - legacies. Still helping people change their family trees each Wednesday night while doing the Dave Ramsey class. This is a great group and I am so happy to be a part of their journey towards a lifetime change!

M - meetings, meetings and more meetings! Before school, after school and yes - often during my only prep of the day. 

N - nothing. I've got nothing for the letter N!

O - orthodontist. We are practically best buds now and he and Mark have planned some hunting trips we see him so often. I told Mark to smooze as much as he can so we might see some discounts soon! Spacers and braces are expensive!

P - Pendleton Classifieds. I rarely am on facebook but when I am this is the page I go to. I have been selling stuff on this page like crazy and have now made over $400. That's my kind of web site!

Q - nothing again!

R - report cards. Report card time = lots and lots of assessments = lots of correcting and time.

S - sprinklers. We (I am loosely using the word here as it is much more Mark than I) have been planning and planning the sprinkler system for the pasture. It is complicated and expensive but I do believe Mark and I will be gearing up to put it in the first few weeks of March.

T - technology. Trainings, trainings and more trainings!

U - unexpected company. We have had some wonderful evenings with friends stopping by! No complaints here!

V - video taping, admin. walk-throughs, technology walk-throughs, learning walks. All of these things have meant a lot of people in my classroom and me making sure my lessons are all top notch!

W - World War Z - the book that my book club is going to read for next month. Now just to find the time to read it again!

X - x-rays. We had an emergency dental appointment on a Saturday that took 2 and 1/2 hours. Ask Mark about it sometime he isn't carrying his gun. Oh, and please send me money to help pay that bill! It's a doozy!

Y - nothing!

Z - zumba. My favorite class at the gym. I rarely get to go but when I do, I have way too much fun! The boys have gone to the kids zumba a couple of times and they love it too! 

That is where my month has gone! Still searching for the fine balance of being a great mother, wife and teacher and keeping my sanity in the process! Wish me luck!


Lindsay said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! I'm cheering for you!

Sorry about the dental bill :(

Staci Kunz said...

Go Mrs. G Go! Summer is a few months away -- maybe your life will slow down? I want to be an unexpected guest and see your new home....someday.