February 18, 2010

Boys vs. Girls

I have started to reread the book Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson and I crack up every time while reading the lists that little boys and girls have created saying who is better and why. Here are a few things from the lists.

Girls Rule Because:
girls chew with their mouths closed
girls are more talented
girls don't let stinkers as much
girls are more smarter
girls walk more politely

Well of course, some little boys read this and were highly offended. Here is their rebuttal:

Boys Are More Better Because:
boys don't worry about "diet-this" and "diet-that"
boys are way more cooler
boys learn to make funny noises with their armpits faster
boys don't cry and feel sorry when they kill a fly
boys eat with a lot of heart

Being a girl myself, I have to admit some of the things "boys" brag about do not appeal to me at all. But being the mother of  2 boys, I am making myself sit up and pay attention to what makes little boys tick. I am constantly surprised by what they say and do and as of this morning, by what they argue about.

I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup and the boys were eating breakfast at the counter. This is the part of the conversation I could hear because voices were starting to be raised:

Caleb: Owen! You did fart two times! I heard you!
Owen: I did not! I only did one!
Caleb: You did two! I heard them. One right after the other! I heard them!

By this point I had made it down the hallway to intervene. I asked what was going on.

Caleb: I was sitting by Owen and then he started to fart and didn't say excuse me and he did it two times and he says he didn't! (please note that this was all said with much finger pointing and a voice filled with accusation)

Owen: (with tears in his eyes and a quaver in his voice) Mommy, I only did one! I would feel it if I did more than that! (at which point his voice broke and the sobs started).

Once I controlled the tears and got apologies from both boys, I walked back down the hallway thinking that I have never had to deal with an arguement about that before. Boys! Yeesh!

When I got home later that day I noticed Caleb had a new sign on his door.

Upon closer examination I finally sounded it out.
You give it a try.

No Owens
I am serious
No Owen

While reading Dobson's book he brings up the fact several times that boys are
different than girls. God made them that way for a reason. Before I had children I did notice this in the classroom but since becoming a mother I notice something new every day. This last month I decided to take a few pictures to show you what I mean.

Saturday is laundry day at my house.
It is always fun to see what treasures the boys have "pocketed" away during the week.
I find things like marbles and dinosaurs.
7 sinister swords.

And what is this? A headless soldier?

Oh. Whew! He survived the washing machine and is ready to do battle again.

Only question is,
 am I?


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, I love Caleb's note! So cute! (Although I'm sure Owen doesn't think so...)

I am definitely seeing the differences in boys and girls. Gavin has thrown and crashed more things in 19 months than Audrey has in 3 1/2 years! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good reading about my perfect great-grandsons, I can say they are perfect because I am great grandma. I agree with you, you neveer know what Caleb and Owen are going to say. I feel blessed when I spend time with them. Sat.at lunch time they teaching me how to make a sandwich. They were very paient with me. Great-grandma,

The Summerfields said...

I have this book on my reading list too! I can't wait to get to it. Hopefully it will give me pointers on raising boys.....like how to preserve the home/yard from mass destruction from boyness! lol