March 28, 2010

New Flower Beds - Part 1

Ahh... spring break is over and I am feeling so good it's probably sinful. I am all rested and relaxed and ready to enjoy my students again. I know that summer is right around the corner for those kiddos and I still have a lot to teach them!

This week was filled with so much but one of my favorite things was working in the yard. Mark only had a couple of days off so we got as much done as we could on the flower beds in the front. Here's what we accomplished so far.

First "we" tilled up some grass. I let Mark do the tilling so that he could say he helped.

Then the boys picked up clumps of grass and rock while Mark raked and smoothed out the dirt. I helped a little bit also, when I wasn't busy taking pictures and all.

Once the ground looked good, "we" got the stones ready to be put in. Mark is a perfectionist so all I had to do was keep him company during this part and make his laugh by talking about his expressive eyebrows.

My main job was to try and get the dog out of the truck. We had went and got dirt without her and she was insulted to an extreme. She jumped up there as soon as we got home and no amount of pleading would get her out. I tried dog biscuits. I tried shaking her leash at her. I tried reverse pychology. Nothing was working. Then Mark came over, grabbed her and threw her out.

Well, hmmm... guess I hadn't tried that one.

Can you see her peeking out? She was trying to hide the fact that she was back there. She is right above the 4x4 decal.

Here is where we left off for now. The next step is to get some more dirt and all the fun stuff that we are going to plant. I can't wait!


Lindsay said...

Lovely ... you want to come over and do mine now?? :)

Looks like your Spring Break was close to perfect :)

Nelson's Nest said...

Looks great guys! What a transformation. We are going to have to take a drive to see it in real life :)

The Summerfields said...

It looks great in person too, we should have taken a closer look in the grand tour the other night though! When we left it was too dark to see it.