May 1, 2012

April Photo Challenge

April Photo Challenge

Another month has come and gone already! 
Another month were the visions in my head are not coming true!
I keep envisioning me with my camera in hand, driving around with the window down looking for cool things to shoot or me walking along and finding the most random and amazing things to capture a picture of. 

So far, the reality has been me with my camera hastily packed along to whatever thing we are currently doing at the time. Weeding, swimming lessons, getting lost...I have high hopes for next month being the month where it's just me and my camera having an adventure. 

Anyway, back to the photo challenge! To see some great shots check out my friend Sarah's blog here.

Category: Clouds

I love the clouds in the spring - big, fat, pillowy balls of white drifting across the blue sky.  I love how the sky is so big and open where we live so that I get to enjoy the cloud dance often!

Category: Something Yellow

There was a canola field outside of Pendleton and as I was driving by I saw something weird sticking up. When I backed up and looked again I realized it was ears. Ears that belonged to this gal. Once I stopped she stood up and checked me out while I was checking her out. We both decided the other looked very nice that day. 

Category: Something Tempting

This was by far the hardest category for me to shoot this month. Why? Because I learned something about myself that wasn't so good. I am tempted by everything. Tempted to take a picture of the skateboarder with his shirt off and his pants below his butt with his dirty boxers showing and then I'm tempted to tell him that he grosses me out. Tempted to  take a picture of a new car since mine is starting to leak and my passenger side floor board is constantly soaked now. Tempted to take a picture of my house in the 5 minutes that it is clean before the kids/Mark/dog come in and mess everything up again. 
I am tempted I tell you. 
I finally decided on this picture because it shows one of my biggest temptations. Mark's hat. I have been dying to throw this thing away for years now. It is so grody and disgusting that I have to sit on my hands each time he wears it so I don't yank it off his head and throw it into the nearest fire. The only thing stopping me is that Mark is on to me and has threatened bodily harm if I so much as touch the brim. Hmph!
I'll just wait until he's not paying attention...

Category: Something that starts with the letter B

I hope baby bird counts. I have gobs and gobs of pictures of the boys but I was trying to not always use them for my photo challenges so I snapped one of this little thing strutting it's stuff. 

Category: Hands

Ok, I know I just said that I was going to try to not use the boys but this one is soooo Owen that I couldn't resist. Whenever we are trying to get some work done around the property Owen is the biggest slacker of us all. He is the first to need a break (after 5 minutes) the first to ask if it's lunch time yet (by 9:02) and the first to be distracted by anything that is not what he is supposed to be doing. Case in point...Sunday. Owen kept "keeping me company" as he puts it and within minutes of his first break, he brought this to show me. As I took the picture and then looked at it, I realized how much I look at Owen's hands. He is always showing me something for one thing and for another, Mark and I have to tell him to wash his hands at least 20 times a day. At. Least.
But I still love him. And his hands whether they are dirty or clean, working or slacking off...

I can't wait for next month! Sarah chose some great ones for May!


Staci Kunz said...


Sarah said...

My favorite is the baby chick. So cute!