November 28, 2009


Who can describe the feeling of pride that comes over you when your children accomplish great things? To me, it feels like my skin is hot, my throat is full, my eyes are moist and my breath is short. I always like to think I feel this way when my heart gets too full and it has to send out all my love to the other parts of my body because it can't hold it in any longer.

I am so proud of this kid.

This one, who just the other day looked like this:

And now looks like this:

I had the privelege of going to observe in his classroom the other day.
His classroom. I still can't believe he's in school.
They were working on reading and writing and I loved every minute of being there. Watching them follow along with their teacher.

Watching them read the words with her.

Watching them read the words to each other.

But do you know my favorite part? My most favorite part in the whole world?
When Caleb came home and read to me.

My skin goes hot, my throat fills, my eyes get moist, and breathing becomes something I have to concentrate on. All because my heart is full.
With Joy.
With Pride.
With Love.


Sarah said...

Good job, Caleb! You will have to read me a story next time I come through!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie, I am very proud of my G-grandson, it brought tears to my eye. I will call you tomorrow.

Love grandma

Unknown said...

Great work, Caleb! I am sure Grandma Nancy is very proud of you as well! Hope to see you all again very soon.

Nelson's Nest said...

Yeah Caleb!!! I'm glad you got to visit his classroom.