November 1, 2009

Is Halloweenie over yet?

This question was posed to me this morning at precisely 5:18. I replied with a grunt and then a yell "Go back to bed until you hear the rooster crowing!"

We don't live on a farm or have any roosters in our near vicinity but I was hoping that listening for one would keep Owen occupied long enough for me to pry my eyelids open.

Having kids is so much fun. Sometimes I don't know if I'm laughing because it's funny or because if I don't, I will need to check myself into a mental institution. Today I'm going with the fact that they are funny.

They have loved every minute of this month. They helped their Dad pick the pumpkins from our garden and set them up inside and outside the house.

They helped their Mom feed her incessant urge to bake by decorating all and any things she cooked up.

(Can you tell which one was Owen's and which one was Caleb's?)

Owen always decorates with a plan in mind ... kind of.

Caleb, on the other hand, knows exactly what he wants his creation to look like.

I hope the boys are hungry because I will probably only eat 2 of these. (I'm not a huge sweet eater.)

Both boys gutted their own pumpkins this year and Caleb even designed and cut out his own face.

Owen got to go to the pumpkin patch with his pre-school and he came home with the most homely and lop-sided pumpkin I have ever seen. Do you see where half the apple is? That was originally the stem of the pumpkin. (The stem had broken off already.)

The big day Caleb let us put some face paint on him. We had to convince him that real (Army) men wear make-up and that his face wouldn't stay that way forever.

He liked it.

We ended up only trick-or-treating for a short time and then they just wanted to come home and pass out candy to all the "customers". Since we get a lot of "customers" in our neighborhood they were kept pretty busy.

Now it's time to start thinking of Thanksgiving! I'll tell Owen tomorrow to go back to bed until he hears the turkeys gobbling.


Stacy B said...

The pumpkin with the apple nose is darling! Great idea. Looks like the boys had fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am back from my cruise to Mexico. I had fun, but you spoiled me when you went with me on my last cruise. I missed having you with me. Thanks for the photos of my great grandchildren all dressed up for Holloween.
love granma