May 23, 2009

Counting Down

I remember being a kid and counting down the days. Oh, how I loved counting down the days. It was my Type A personality in it's infant stage. I counted down everything.

The days I had to wait until my birthday.

The days I had to wait until Christmas.

The days I had to wait until school started (I've always been a nerd).

With my students, I hear them doing the same thing.

"Mrs. G.! There's only 13 days until my birthday!"
"Mrs. G.! There's only 10 days until Christmas!"

They are totally into the countdown.I get to hear the countdown all year long as different events are occuring in their lives. Halloween, birthdays, weddings, spring break, new brother/sister,etc.

I am currently on 2 major countdowns:

The last day of school - June 12th. I don't want to let this class go. They have been so good and so much fun that my heart is already breaking at the thought of sharing them with the third grade teachers. I just know they won't love and appreciate and laugh with them as much as I do! (Actually I'm sure they will but I still don't want to share).

Mark and I's cruise - June 26th. This is good and bad. Good, because I get all giddy with happiness bubbles in my stomach at the thought of being in the Caribbean. Bad, because I am trying to lose a few pounds before we go. My belly button has been talking with me again and it has said to stop eating so much (sugar) and start doing some sit-ups. In the winter when it talks, I usually pretend I can't hear it and muffle it with a sweatshirt or two but now that it is warming up, my tank-tops don't quiet it down as much. I decided I had better listen. I have 1 month. I can do it. I'll think of my self-depravation as training for when I am on Survivor.

(If you didn't understand about the talking belly button please see my earlier post in March called scale scars. Beware - it's graphic and jiggly)

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Oh Mrs. G, you are a crack up! I should NOT have read Scale Scars while drinking coffee and needing to go to the bathroom! I hear you about countdowns...Landon and I pretty much always have at least one going on at all times.