Matthew 22:37
This last weekend I had the pleasure of going on a Christian Women's Retreat up to Wallowa Lake. (I said "hi" to your mom Sarah!) The above verse was our focus and I am humbled by how much I needed to reflect on what it means. We talked about learning to Trust in God, learning to Commit ourselves to Him, Sacrificing and saying No to "Self" and yes to God and having Obedience to God - doing the things He has told us to do. We talked about who we are called to love and even when it is easy to justify why someone doesn't deserve our love, it still isn't right to deny them that very thing.
I came home with a happy and full heart - a heart renewed and a spirit ready and willing to Love Well.
I'm not even going to tell you how beautiful it was up there or what perfect weather we had because I really don't like to brag.
I mean, seriously, I hate to tell you that it was a perfect weekend and that, while I missed my husband and my children (and my dog), I need to have weekends like that in order to appreciate them more.
Now that I think about it - NOT bragging is over-rated and I really should have told you what a great time I had. Maybe next time I won't be so modest... (smile).
What a GREAT, REFRESHING time you had.
I'm not jealous or anything. :)
Hope your week ends well & you get some GREAT time with your boys & dog this weekend!!
Blessings to you friend ~
Yeah for you and your wonderful weekend!!!
Thanks for sharing the focus of your retreat... good reminders for all of us!
Great post and I love the pics!
Mom said she saw you--I wish I would have been there. She said the weather was amazing.
Glad you had fun. A weekend to enjoy time to yourself is always well-deserved! :-)
I'm excited for our trip in July!
Hi Miriah! Hope you don't mind, I stumbled over here from Lisa's blog. I love all your pictures (did Jason take them?), its been so long since I have seen you guys. I work with Jason Luke, he sure talks about you guys a lot. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and I love your blog. So inspiring.
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