May 9, 2009

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Ahhh... Mark is home and all is right in my world again. The children are no longer trying to pee outside, the dog is no longer trying to pee inside, and I'm ... well... I'm just happy that I now have time to pee.

Reason #328 of "Why I love my husband" - Whenever Mark is gone away from me, he always brings me home a surprise. Some past gifts have been a bag of cashews, scarecrows to add to my fall decorations, a matching bra and undie combo from Victoria Secret and videos of "Friends" (my all-time fav. show). This time he brought me home some new books.

I have been wanting to read The Last Lecture for a while now and I had happened to tell Mark about it a couple months ago.

He remembered.

I know - he's awesome. A Lifetime of Secrets was one I have never heard of. The author has a website where he has invited people to send him creatively decorated postcards bearing secrets they have never revealed before. Some secrets are sad and some are happy but they are all interesting. What I love about them is how much can be conveyed in so few words. Here are some samples from the book:

The book is fascinating and I LOVE IT!
The authors website is
Check it out and think about what secret would you reveal?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a nice hubby!

I love, love, love Postsecret! I check it faithfully every Sunday!