June 30, 2010

Only In the Town I Love

Because I live in the town that is the home of this:

there of course had to be a huge party to celebrate the unveiling of this:

 People came from all around to stare, take pictures and enjoy all the free snow cones they could slurp.

The artist who made this huge bronze statue was on sight to sign autographs and just visit with about his sculpture.


The rodeo court was out in all their fancy regalia along with the Happy Canyon court. I kept my boys well away. The only princess they need to know about is me.

There were bands to listen to.
(Ok - there was just one but they were really good. It was like listening to several)

Free lunch to be eaten.
(It was my 3rd free meal in as many days and they'd all consisted of BBQ'd hotdogs, but hey who's counting?)

Did I mention all the free snow cones you could eat?

Weird children to take pictures of.
(Wait! That's my weird child. He's still working on his gang signs.)

Girls to meet.
(Owen was more interested in the food but Caleb was invited to their house to play within minutes.)

Shady places with soft green grass to sit and eat our lunch in.

Naps to be taken.

Ponies to ride.

New cowboys and cowgirls to meet.

Faces to be painted.

And because I live where I do, the day wasn't complete until we watched a demonstration of some gun-shootin' while on horseback. We likes us a good challenge, we do.

There's that weird kid again. He is kind of cute though.

I had passed the camera to Mark and asked him to take a picture of me.
 "Hmm... Honey, my eyes are right here, NOT here."

Bulls to ride.

Rope tricks to watch.

And last but not least, a stagecoach to play in.

Not bad for small town entertainment!


Sarah said...

Looks like fun! I'm driving (well, passengering) through your town at this exact moment! Can't stop...we have three horses with us!

Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

Very good pictures! The nap one is so sweet :)

Anonymous said...

you are sooooooooooo great and such a great story teller. I love you, granma