June 6, 2010

Where to begin...

I have sat here in the hospital waiting room for the last 4 hours trying to find the right words to share what is happening in our lives right now. I have deleted entry after entry after entry. So I have finally decided to keep it simple. Here I go:

Mark's Dad is currently in ICU at Legacy Emmanual in Portland. He is here because they have head trauma specialists and that is what his Dad needs. Last night I started a blog for mom to keep everyone up to date and that blog will have the most current information on it. The address is:   tgolter.blogspot.com             

Now that school is out and I have ordered a new camera (my last one has been dropped one to many times now) I will be blogging a lot more. I am glad summer is here and my time is now my own. Cutting the last 3 days of our school has proved to be a surprising blessing because now I am free to be here for as long as needed. That's all for now. Continue to pray!


Sarah said...

Praying for your father-in-law, Miriah!

Cindy Schimel said...

Miriah, you'll make it through this, and so will your dad, because you are fighters. Hang in there my bestest friend in the whole wide world.
Love you.