April 13, 2012

Photo Shoot with the Monkeys

This week was conference week so I have fallen behind in some things (mainly laundry, dishes, sweeping, and of course - blogging). 

During spring break, my children were at my beck and call for not one, not two, but three different photography sessions. They really only cooperated for one and I have shared some of these pictures on Facebook but not here. So in case you missed the big reveal..here you go!

Now, while it would seem like I prefer to take pictures of Caleb since there are so many more of him than Owen, please know that I took and equal amount. Owen just is harder to get a decent shot of since he wants to look everywhere but the camera. He's just like his father in this regard! 

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

NICE job! Your boys are HANDSOME! and you captured the twinkle in their eyes well ~ :)