June 8, 2012

And summer starts now...

Today was the day.
The last day I had to work before summer vacation. 
It has been a whirlwind since I went back to work this week. 
Report cards, permanent files, work sample requirements, volunteer thank you's, field day, etc. 

As of 2:45 today though I had it all done. 
It was a great feeling!

Now, lots to look forward to as the summer days begin to stretch before us. Lots of plans for small things: swimming lessons, pool time, walks/family bike rides, snow cones.

I love the summer.

This evening as I was washing the dishes, I realized what a bad parent I was.
I was probably the last person in our whole city to ask their child to see their report card. 
I had spent hours laboring over mine and for some reason the simple fact that my own child would be bringing one home slipped my mind. 

I wasn't worried at all about what I would find on the report card. Caleb is a great student and one smart little cookie. I just felt bad that I hadn't had the chance to go over it with him and let him know how proud we were of him!

When I was rooting through his backpack, I also noticed some things cleaned out from his cubby. 

He had a picture poster that I promptly hung on the fridge. 
2nd grade moments captured forever!

This one was my favorite...

Then I remembered a paper that his teacher had passed to me on the last day of school. 
On it was a poem that Caleb had written about Owen.

I don't think any poet has brought tears to my eyes faster. 

Here's to brothers that love their brothers,
warm summer days that I know are bound to appear,
camping, fishing, hiking, 
our trip to the beach...

and to children who think doing the dishes together is more fun than giving peanut butter to the dog. 

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