January 24, 2009

Bad (Guy) Days

Last Thursday when I picked up the boys from daycare, Owen was a little pouty. I asked him if he was having a bad day and he just hmphed at me. Caleb piped up and said "You know Owen, sometimes I wake up and I am having a bad guy day"

What a great way to look at it. Do I want to be a bad guy today or a good guy? At 6:07 this morning when the kids woke up early I can tell you it wasn't looking good. Don't they know it's Saturday? Just the day before they had slept in till 7:15 and I had been up, showered and blow dried my hair. Did they wake up then? Nope! So this morning as I staggered down the hall and tried not to open my eyes (it helps you go back to bed easier if you don't open your eyes much) and growled at the boys to go back to bed, I was wishing for the umpteenth time that I was a morning person. That when I woke up, I could take a good, long stretch and then smile at the world, ready to get up and move mountains. I tried that when I got up with the boys again 15 minutes later (obviously they are morning people) and believe it or not, it helped. Maybe it is just a choice between having a good guy day or a bad guy day.


Nicol said...

I can't believe I'm doing this but I'm scared of your husband and he said it would make your day if I left a comment. Gabe also has many of these days. He has the world broken down into good guys and bad guys. It seems to be a good guy day at our house.

Erin said...

Keep blogging, it is very enjoyable. This way I can read about your cute kids without worrying about when to have some of my own. Just be sure to share a few of the bad guy days every once in a while or I may actually start thinking this parenting thing is easy and get some crazy ideas. . . Jeff

Jeff said...

OOPS. . We always forget to sign out. . and then people think we are crazy. . oh well.


Anonymous said...

It's OK, we know you're not crazy, (just getting in touch with your feminine side right?!) If you two are coming down for Jessica's shower keep in mind that you are more than welcome to stay with us!
M & M