Yellow - Sunny
Orange - Pumpkin Face
Blue - Water
Purple - Grape
Black - Dark Cloud
Green - Grassy
Brown - Chocolate & Dusty
Red - Jelly
Just think - Christmas colors are now Jelly and Grassy. Halloween is full of Pumpkin Face and Dark Cloud with some Grape thrown in. I can already hear the phone ringing and Caleb's kindergarten teacher asking me what in the world have I taught my children.
I, of course, laughed and listened to Mark try to explain to him that it's called SWAT not SQUAT, when Owen throws his two-cents in there. "You're not a swatter Daddy, you're a spanker!".
Funny Monkeys 2: The boys and I were at Safeway using the self-check service. I was all done and Owen was standing in the cart while I placed the groceries around him. The self-checkout machine said something like "take your money from below the scanner". Owen looks at me and asks "Is this lady real?". I told him "Yes. Her name is Sasha and she works inside the machine during the day and fights crime at night."
Owen turns to the machine and says ever so sweetly while pointing "I'm Owen and this is my brother Caleb and this is my mommy Aunt Miriah."
(I later explained about Sasha - don't worry)
Funny Monkeys 3 (and then I'm done, I promise!): Mark had just finished working a graveyard shift and Owen and I were tucking him into bed and asking him about his night. (Caleb was off having an army battle of epic proportions that included war zones in the living room and kitchen). Owen started with "Daddy, how many bad guys did you get?" Mark countered with "Six". Owen said breathlessly "SIX! How did you get so many?" "I went to a party and people were doing things they weren't supposed to". Owen leaned in close to Mark's face, his eyes were huge and he whispered with both disbelief and awe "Did someone pop all the balloons?!"
I'm glad to know my favorite color is water... I agree that is the perfect name.
I love the stories!!! Tony enjoyed them too!!!
My great grandchildren are the cutest and smartest children in the world thanks for sharing.
Cute stories Miriah! I was snickering as I read them!
Amy P
OH my goodness ... this was laughter to my soul this morning ... {did they pop the balloons} ... I LOVE IT!!
Have a GREAT rest of your week!
Hilarious! So glad you shared. This is about the only reason I can think of that I would enjoy teaching kindergarten. :-)
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