July 14, 2009

Hotties and Booty Battles

Don't they look so sweet? So innocent, so loving towards each other. I remember how they smelled and how their little bodies curled and molded into mine when I held them. I loved those days.

Where in the heck did they go?

Now that Caleb is a "mature" adult at the age of 5 and Owen has graduated to 4 year-old status, the two of them are morphing before my eyes. Mark and I used to get such a tickle out of the things they would say. Wookie for cookie. "That person has raindrops on their cheeks" when someone was crying. They still come up with some really funny stuff but yesterday, I came to the realization that they are definitely hearing some outside influences.
The boys and I were driving out to Pilot Rock and Caleb informed me I was a hottie. He blamed it on my lip gloss. In fact, his exact words were "Mommy, that lip gloss makes you look like a hottie."
While I cleaned up the Dr. Pepper that I had snorted our my nose onto the crotch of my white shorts, I thought "Where did he hear that word hottie?"
"Caleb, where did you hear that word hottie?"
"I don't know."
"What do you think hottie means?"
"It's like when a girl looks nice mom. Like your lip gloss makes you look like your ready to say hi to someone."
I was speechless. I had to whip out my cell phone and make an emergency phone call while driving (don't tell Mark). "Mark, you won't believe what Caleb just said!". I told him the whole story and then he said "You aren't talking on the phone while driving are you?" "Who? Me? Gotta go babe, love ya."
Later that same evening, Owen and I were playing soccer outside. He loves playing soccer. I was starting to get tired but he was going strong. While I bent over to suck in some much needed air I felt his little body come up behind me and something hit my bottom. I looked between my legs and saw that Owen had backed his little bottom right up to mine and was proceeding to hit my bum with his. "Owen, what are doing?"
"We're having a booty battle Mom!"
I could only roll my eyes and proceed with the battle. Needless to say, I won. Outside influences ... what can I say?

1 comment:

Nelson's Nest said...

Hilarious!!! You do such a great job of capturing the moment. I can just see the booty battle now.