August 13, 2009


Home again, home again, jiggedy jig. Our time in Arizona flew by and we had such a great time. Time with family and friends. Lots of talking, laughing and, since it was my family reunion, lots of drinking and eating as well. What can I say - it's a Mexican tradition.

On the drive down and back the boys did a lot of this:

and some of this:

It was great. Mark and I talked and talked (and I sang and sang). We have always been dreamers and planners and goal-setters and for us this was the opportunity to sit down and dream together. We have all kinds of plans now - just wait! We also had a chance to see some of the prettiest places along the way. Utah - these hills weren't alive with the sound of music - they were alive with color.

We had packed coolers full of food and we stopped at parks and neat places along the way. One of the places we stopped at was called Moqui Caves and it is close to Kanab, Utah (at the bottom close to Arizona.) A lot of western movies have been filmed around Kanab because it is truly a beautiful location. The caves had lots of history to them as well as dinosaur tracks and glow-in-the-dark rocks. The boys dug it so that's what counts. I sat around and stared at rocks and believe it or not, enjoyed every minute of it. The Caribbean is beautiful but it is an atmosphere that partly makes it so - nice beaches, pretty sand and lush vegetation. The Southwest is truly gorgeous all on it's own. The colors are so rich and vibrant that you want to take picture after picture.

I have lots more pictures but I am out of time so I'll post some more tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad your Mexican tradition didn't let you down! ;-)

I really need to see those hills and take some pictures of my own!