August 23, 2009


On the way home from Arizona, Mark and I decided to spend 1 night in Zion. Neither of us had been there before and we thought since we were this close, why not? Zion is a hiker's meca but I did speak with a couple who live in a neighboring town and they said that at least 1 person dies falling every month. Just something to think about before you go traisping around the place. Unfortunately, I didn't run into this couple until Mark and I had dragged the boys along a dozen different trails.

Zion had some pretty cool stuff in it. Tunnels...

beautiful views...

trees growing in the oddest places...

and some very pretty cactus.

There was a lot of different wildlife in the area. Some things we saw were chipmunks, lizards, birds, deer and a fox.

Zion has a bus system that works really well. Because the roads are so narrow and traffic would easily occur, they have made it so that you park your car at a main place like the musuem or main lodge and then load onto the bus. The buses come every 10 minutes or so and there are 8 or 10 different stops that the bus makes. You can get off at whatever stop you want and hike around. When you are done looking around that stop, you just wait at the bus area until the next bus comes along. Since there is a bus every 10 minutes you never have long to wait. It worked out quite well.
The boys love the outdoors and they had a lot of fun walking around and looking at the different things. I told them not to touch the cactuses and within 3 seconds of my turning my back, Owen was crying. No surpise - he had touched one.

We did one easy hike that led down to a river. It was so peaceful down there and quiet. I loved it. Mark noticed something and brought the boys down to investigate.

Do you see this thing on my hand? It's a frog! They were everywhere. You would take a step and see all these little brown things jumping around. Caleb wanted to bring this one home but I told him this was a special frog that was waiting for his princess. I hope she comes soon.

All in all, this was a great stop on our journey and I hope that you get the chance to go someday as well!


Stacy B said...

I love this place. Did you guys do The Narrows? What a neat trip, those frogs are super cute, too!

Sarah said...

Ummm...I think you're forgetting to share something about your Zion trip... ;-)