August 21, 2009

That kiss.
It was magic. Magic, I tell you. It still is.
Two weeks past my 21st birthday and suddenly I was a Mrs.

I remember my Mom and Grandma crying and my Mom saying "Are you sure Honey? Are you sure Mark is the one?"

"Yes, Mom. I'm sure." is what I said out loud. What I whispered softly to myself was,

Yes, Mom. I'm sure because...

He is the holder of my secrets.
The weaver of my dreams.
The one who lifts me up and keeps me there.
The one who makes me feel beautiful.
He is the mirror I want to look into for the rest of my life.
The one I want to dance with in the rain, walk with in the forest, sing with in the shower.
He laughs at all my jokes.
He hugs away all my tears.
He is my other half and the one I choose to spend the rest of my life with.

Ten years have gone by since that fateful day and they have only served in making me love my husband even more and drawing us ever closer. He is still and will always be my best friend and my most favorite person on this planet.

I Love you Honey! Happy 10th Anniversary!!


Lindsay said...

GREAT post!!

Happy Anniversary you two!! May the blessings and love continue to pour in and through your lives!!

Shanda said...

Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!

We've recently celebrated our 10th as well!

Sarah said...

Happy Happy day to you and Mark. You two set a beautiful example of a loving marriage!

Nelson's Nest said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Beautiful post... you guys are the real deal.