February 11, 2009

Up and Down Days

*Decorating cupcakes with the boys
*One of my students finally remembering to raise his hand before talking (yelling)
*Watching my secret show (American Idol - I really can't stop myself)

*Learning what the term RIF'd means and that it could apply to me next year. It
means you get a pink slip and no longer have a job. WOW - I didn't see that one coming!
*Sending the boys to their rooms before dinner because they wouldn't stop fighting and I
didn't want to listen to it anymore.
*Not seeing Mark for the last two days. Gotta love those 12-hour shifts!
*My hair sucks

What a cruddy day! It started off badly with the news of possible job cuts in our school district for teachers hired in 2004 and after. I dwelled on that thought all through lit. block and then by recess I just decided to pray about it. Thank goodness for God, because I immediately felt calmer (should have prayed to begin with!) and remembered that He has a plan for me. It is now 8:15 and I am writing this in between commercial breaks of American Idol and I really feel at peace with whatever happens. The boys are in bed, Mark will be home soon, and tomorrow is a new day! Plus I get my hair cut soon, so that of course will make everything better :)


Lindsay said...

Hair cuts always make things better :)

I'll be praying that you don't have to worry about RIFs. God knows ... and His plans are much better than ours!!

Read Psalm 139 ... I'm memorizing it this month ... good stuff!!

Sarah said...

I learned what "RIF" was every year I was in Goldendale! I squeaked by by the skin of my teeth every year. Luckily now that I've been here in TD for four years, there are about 50 teachers below me, so I'm thanking God I am safe!

Surely there are enough people below you that you'll be fine! I'll be thinking of you!

Nelson's Nest said...

Oh Miriah, I am so sorry you had to hear those words. These time are so unsettling. I really, really, really don't think that will happen (really, really, really) and I will pray too.

Don't be in the closet about American Idol, I think it's cool that your a fan!

Happy Hair Cut Day as soon as it comes along. I always think your hair looks pretty :)

Lisa said...

Miriah- It is so fun hearing from you in blogland! Thank you for connecting and yes, tell Mark that JD says 'hi' right back :)

I'm so sorry to hear that you district is making cutbacks. I'm still holding out hope that schools in our area can get through this time with the staff on hand- and I'll be praying specifically for your job.

Hugs to you today- and hopefully by now, that new hair cut is making you feel a whole lot better ;) (even though you look fabulous in your header picture! and your boys are just as cute as can be!)