February 8, 2009

Winter - YUCK!

I don't know about you but I am not a winter person. Don't get me wrong - I love the snow at Christmas time and for sledding and snowball fights and it is rather nice to curl up in front of the fire with a good book and cup of Russian Tea or hot chocolate. However, once Christmas is over and the decorations are put away, I am ready for spring. Getting the garden ready (watching Mark get the garden ready), starting outside projects (watching Mark start the outside projects), and just enjoying being out in the sunshine (that I take full part in!) are things that I look forward to every year. Mark, being the mature one, always says "We wouldn't appreciate the other seasons as much if we didn't have to go through winter". My immature response is to usually mutter "whatever" and roll my eyes at the same time (he loves that). This weekend I had high hopes for some outside fun and what happens? the fog. Yep, the fog. Talk about a joy stealer. We were out at Mom and Dad G's today and I saw this water spout with the ice cycle forming it's way up. How stinking funny! That is definitely a sign it's too cold!Anyway, I just wanted to jot down my feelings on winter and see what others thought.

Winter is _____________________.

I would rather be ____________________.

Snow would be better used for _______________________.


Sarah said...

good for one snowy week a year.

riding my horse through a hay field during an August evening.

keeping Wes's beer cold (so he doesn't steal all the ice from our automatic ice maker).

Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

Winter is a season that should be over in January.

I would rather be sunbathing and watching Emily play in the pool with Daddy.

Snow would be better used for making snow cones on a hot summer day.

Nelson's Nest said...

Winter is a time to slow down.

I would rather be cuddling with my girls whatever the season.

Snow would be better used for creating those surprise days off from school.

All and all I don't mind winter. I do feel more sleepy all the time and long for more hours of day light... and I am really freaked out to drive in the snow, so that part of it I dislike terribly.