March 8, 2009


Sunday was a day for going and visiting (and driving around in the new truck!). Kye has decided that she loves the new truck. However, she has also decided she doesn't always love the weather whiles she's in the new truck. Drive with me for a moment.
On the beginning of our drive, I glance back at Kye and she is grinning into the wind, relishing the smells of the great outdoors and just enjoying the ride.

I glance back again a few minutes later and her state of bliss seems a little disturbed. She is closely examining the hills we are rapidly approaching.

This is what she sees: Snow, Cold, Fog - not ideal weather for feeling the wind in your hair.

When I glance back at her yet again, this is the look she was giving me. I swear I heard her thoughts "Are you kidding me?." Sorry Kye, Daddy won't let you in the cab.

Luckily the bad weather didn't last long and the boys were able to go outside and enjoy playing at Gramma and Papa G's Place. Owen jabbed.
and stomped.

and climbed.

and threw.

and laughed till he cried. (Actually, I think that was me. He just got a bug in his eye.)

My mightly Caleb climbed also and informed me that the FBI take pictures like this. Looking down on others? In disguise? He wouldn't give me anymore information than that. The FBI would be proud.

Caleb, the FBI agent, also helped Gramma tame her hair. Only a highly trained special agent can do that.

Lookin' good gramma!

Oops! Wrong turkey!


Sarah said...

Now, Mark once said that a dog is like a member of the family, so you have to let them in the house. Apparently that logic doesn't apply to his shiny, new truck! :-)

Nelson's Nest said...

Fun post!!! I love the picture of Caleb and grandma at the fence... definitely a framer. It looks like you had a perfect Sunday and I am sure Kye was thrilled to be with you no matter what.

Have a great conference week.

Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

Too cute, I love the pictures. You must have a way better camera than I do. I can't take good pictures, maybe it's because Emi's too little. lol