April 3, 2009


Well, it's book review time. I have been busy, plugging away at my book list one at a time. I have been sidetracked a few times by other books (most notably the Into The Wilderness series, which is 5 books long!) but overall I have stuck to the list.

Before I give my humble opinion please remember - this is only my opinion.

Gone with the Wind - I have never encountered a more vain, selfish, childish or self-centered creature than Scarlett O'Hara. That being said, I loved the book. There was something to it that made me keep picking up and reading it. I don't know if it's because I was charmed by Rhett Butler (who I adored) or because I wanted to see if Scarlett would ever grow up. Whatever it was, I thoroughly enjoyed the book (even the ending Mom!) and am now waiting impatiently for whoever has checked out Scarlett from the public library to bring it back so I can conclude my, oops I mean Scarlett's, love affair with Rhett.

His Dark Materials - This review was a little harder to think about because it is actually 3 books. Being a fan of fantasy novels, I enjoyed the first book The Golden Compass quite a bit. The second two however, I just didn't like that well. They both had their moments where I was like "Really? You're going to go there?". There's the whole anti-God thing going on that I didn't care for, as well as the fact that the books (spoiler here so don't read on if you are going to read the books) ended with the world being better only after the two (early) teenage children go off together and are intimate. Hmmm.... I read how many awards and accolades these books received and I just couldn't muster the same amount of appreciation.

Rebecca - This book started out a little bit predictable and boring but then it added a twist that I liked. It really illustrates the point that perception is reality and it was a fairly quick and easy read.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - I couldn't stop laughing while I read this book. It is so funny. Arthur (the human character) has just found out that his planet has been destroyed and he is thinking about the things that are gone forever. His family - he has no reaction. His supermarket - no reaction. New York - no reaction. Every Bogart movie has been wiped - that gives him a nasty knock. McDonald's hamburgers - he passes out and wakes up to find himself sobbing for his mother. I'm telling you - the book is hilarious and contains no serious thoughts at all.

*I did try to read Catch 22 but I slowly found myself going insane so I had to put it down. (Seriously, that book was crazy and all the characters are absolutely nuts! )


Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

I watched Gone With the Wind when I was younger and I liked it. There's a subdivision here that has two streets across from each other called Scarlett O'Hara Lane and Rhett Butler Lane. It's really cute.

I heard that about the books by Philip Pullman. We watched the Golden Compass but never read any of the books. The movie annoyed me because it was very similar to Narnia but so determined to have the opposite outcome.

I looked over your reading list, Mitch Albom is awesome. I would read Tuesdays With Morrie too if you haven't already. I've read Anna Karenina several times, you learn more each time you pick it up. What did you think of Lovely Bones?

AmyP said...

Your comment about the love affair with Rhett Butler made me giggle out loud!! I don't know why but I loved that book too! Another one I really couldn't put down was The Thornbirds.


Mrs. G said...

Hello Emily's Mommy! I love that you have streets named after Scarlett and Rhett!
I really enjoyed The Loverly Bones. Even though is was so sad, it was such a page turner. I was dying (Ha!) to find out what happened at the end. I think I need (want) to reread it again now that we are talking about it!