Boy, n. : a noise with dirt on it.Ahhh... spring is here. At our house, spring means outside projects. The boys (all 3 of them) love to do "projects" and this one happens to involve lots of

Mark is putting in a fire-pit area to the side of our porch. He dug up the grass, smoothed the dirt and then put in some boundary rocks.

The boys wasted no time in setting up camp.

The men spent all day outside working in the dirt -putting in a new place for the

Caleb took care of some ants with his "
bammer". I tried to tell him it is actually
referred to as a hammer and his reply was "Why, it doesn't say ham?!". Makes sense to me -
bammer it is.

While Mark tilled up one of the garden areas, the boys supervised.

Since they worked so hard, we let them roast some hot dogs. No marshmallows - Mom is lame and didn't buy any, but Owen did hug me and tell me I was still the best teacher (just apparently not the best mom anymore!). You can always count on him to make you feel better.

I tried to get a picture of Owen with his hot dog but I swear he wouldn't hold still for more than 2 seconds. If he wasn't dropping his hot dog in the dirt, he was running from the smoke or teasing the dog or trying to poke something with his roasting stick. Caleb is much more like me - nice and calm and always concerned with getting his dinner.

Before you ask where I am and why do I never do any work around here, let me assure you - I have cleaned up enough dirt from my floor, bathtub, laundry room, walls and ceilings that I could grow an indoor garden if I had the notion.
After looking at the new ring of dirt around my tub, I asked Caleb why he got so dirty. His reply - "God made 4 years old that way Mom."
Smart Aleck.
Caleb is absolutely right about how God made four year olds. He is so wise. You have been very busy around your home. Home is the greatest place ever and your home seems perfect. A fire pit area is the cherry on the sundae.
Thanks for sharing. I love hearing stories about my great grandkids and a great grandson and a great dad to the boys. Boys love to play in the dirt, good that dirt washes off
Love grandma
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