January 12, 2013

Meeting Some Goals!

Spiritual Goal #3: Facilitate a Dave Ramsey Class

This last Wednesday marked the beginning of the new Dave Ramsey class that Mark and I are co-teaching. We had 8 different couples come to class and it was so fun and exciting getting to know them and hear how they are excited to try Dave out!

Call me crazy but I love it when people tell me that they are having money problems and they want help solving them! I am just like Monica on friends when she gets to organize something (Sarah will totally know what I mean!)

Want to put more in savings? 
Let me tell you how!

Want to stop paying out all your money to debt?
Let me tell you how!

It goes on and on...

It's so much fun being helpful and bossy at the same time!

Spiritual Goal #2: Do a marriage devotional with Mark

Last night after playing a mad game of Monopoly (we had to put the game on hold until this morning) we watched the movie Courageous as a family. I cried several times, like always, and the boys now have a new favorite movie. 

Once the boys were in bed, Mark and I sat down to discuss our newest book that we are reading together. My friend Hailey recommended it to me, telling me that she and her husband Matt had read it with a small group at their church. They all loved it and she thought that Mark and I would enjoy it as well. 


Our plan is to read a chapter a week and then either Friday or Saturday night (which ever Mark has off) we will sit down and discuss it after we put the boys to bed. I always love to talk books with Mark and last nights talk was fun. To start the conversation, Mark asked me what one thing stuck out to me in the first chapter. I instantly blurted out
"When he (the author) talked about how when his wife got her mommy haircut of convenience it made her less of a wife to him". 

That's not exactly how the author phrased it but that's how I took it. 

Without missing a beat, Mark said "That's exactly what stood out to me too! That's strange that we would both pick the same thing!". 

Our conversation went on like that for a while, just sharing things that we agreed with the author on and things we disagreed on. This book is written by a married couple and they both write from their points of views at different times which we both liked. I am excited to be doing this and I am looking forward to our talk next week already!

So, 2 goals from the New Year starting to be met (I can't cross them off until they are completed!) and I can't wait to work on some more!

1 comment:

Mrs. Kunz said...

I love the idea of Mark and you teaching Dave Ramsey class to other couples. Great idea!